The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Pregnancy monitoring - help Required from Maheeru
Hi Maheeru,My 33 years old wife is pregnant since 2.5 months
Your kind attention is requested
She is complaining:
less appetite
Low Blood Pressure
Stomach ache
Head Ache
You may visit below page to see her old summery
mahmoodjnu on 2015-06-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pregnancy & delivery is a very natural process. So what is there to monitor if there is no major problem.
In case if there is any specific difficulty other than what all you have mentioned in your post needs attention. Otherwise, all these small discomforts is a part of becoming a mother & a
You must consult a local gynecologist & get her checked up say every two monthly to confirm that everything is ok.
A healthy diet, proper cleanliness, a regular walk daily for at least 15 minutes & a positive & cheerful waiting attitude for the little one is all that is enough.
In case if there is any specific difficulty other than what all you have mentioned in your post needs attention. Otherwise, all these small discomforts is a part of becoming a mother & a
You must consult a local gynecologist & get her checked up say every two monthly to confirm that everything is ok.
A healthy diet, proper cleanliness, a regular walk daily for at least 15 minutes & a positive & cheerful waiting attitude for the little one is all that is enough.
daktersaab 9 years ago
mahmoodjnu 9 years ago
Thanks allot daktersaab,
I consulted a local Gynecologist, her checkups were completed.
Blood reports are normal.
Ultrasound report is also normal.
Urine report says there are some infection, as per Dr. suggestion it will be resolved by drinking more water. (I will share the reports)
She suggested to take high protein diet. On other hand she prescribed medicines for:
* Iron.
* Calcium.
* Protein.
Could you please advise homeopathic remedies for the same
I consulted a local Gynecologist, her checkups were completed.
Blood reports are normal.
Ultrasound report is also normal.
Urine report says there are some infection, as per Dr. suggestion it will be resolved by drinking more water. (I will share the reports)
She suggested to take high protein diet. On other hand she prescribed medicines for:
* Iron.
* Calcium.
* Protein.
Could you please advise homeopathic remedies for the same
mahmoodjnu 9 years ago
Thanks for the feedback.
Good that your doc found everything to be normal.
Yes give her a healthy diet & no junk food. A regular outdoor walk & a cheerful attitude.
I suggest you start giving her Biochemical Combination No.26 which is also called EASY BIRTH.
3 tablet three times a day. You may give this combination for a long time. Give for about 15 days & then a gap of about a week & then start again for 15 days & so on till she delivers a healthy baby without any problem.
It will also help in her calcium or Iron deficiency if there is any.
Please be visiting your doctor as per her advice.
Good that your doc found everything to be normal.
Yes give her a healthy diet & no junk food. A regular outdoor walk & a cheerful attitude.
I suggest you start giving her Biochemical Combination No.26 which is also called EASY BIRTH.
3 tablet three times a day. You may give this combination for a long time. Give for about 15 days & then a gap of about a week & then start again for 15 days & so on till she delivers a healthy baby without any problem.
It will also help in her calcium or Iron deficiency if there is any.
Please be visiting your doctor as per her advice.
daktersaab 9 years ago
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