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Erectile Dysfunction



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

erectile dysfunction

suffering from 3 years fron erectile dysfunction. never had sex though. my penis become so soft and nymph .habit of masturbation from 12 years excessive. my age is 26 yrs now. whenever I try ro masturbate my penis does not get aroused, if get only half erection is there which goes away in a second if I leave my penis.i m so depressed . my marraige is due in 6 months and I m so much worried about this. excessive fatigue , eye flotters , hair fall are also included in symptoms. I have severe habbit of masturbation till now. I was regular porn user. plz help my whole life got effected from this . will I be able to enjoy my married life?
also I m overweight my weight is 88 kg and my height is 5 feet 7 inches
plz plz do help me out getting of this situation I will be extremely grateful to that person
  lovekaka on 2015-06-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Staphysagaria 200 daily evening time for five days then one dose every third day for 15 days then weekly one dose for one month.after first five days pl have whitechestnut ,walnut,cherryplum and olive bach flower two drops each in two table spoon of water as one dose to be taken three times daily for one month.pl have good company ,leave watching porn and and do excercise for half an hour daily .
akshaymohl 9 years ago
sir will I be able to recover. ?
I m extremely disturbed due to this.
my erection used to be so strong and penis could not get relaxed untill orgasm. But now even stimulating by hand takes much time and half erection is obtained which immediately falls when I leave my hand. Also size is reduced. Penis has shrunken.It has no weight become so loose and flabby. I just could not feel it .
plz help me out sir, plz rply
if I leave masturbation and start medicine how much time it would take to recover?
lovekaka 9 years ago
sir plz tell me whether the medicine u mentioned is liquid..?
and hw much drops are to be taken in what quantity of water .?
can I take it around 6 pm evening.?
lovekaka 9 years ago
Two drops in two table spoon of water as one dose .bach flower to be taken as advised to be taken in liquid .pl start the meds and feel the difference.
akshaymohl 9 years ago
thnku so much sir..
I will be starting the meds asap...
will report u 5 days after taking med...
hopefully my recovery may get started when I report u..
sir penis is also tilted clockwise... i think its due to over masturbation. ..is that also gona be corrected..is there any need to worry about that. ?
my marraige is due in 5 months...will I be able to recover from this in 5 months.?
lovekaka 9 years ago
NO NEED TO WORRY.you can be cured if you want to be cured.So pl be happy and follow the advise .
akshaymohl 9 years ago

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