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Kidney Stone



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Kidney stone in Left Kidney

I have Left Kidney stone which has been confirmed through Ultrasound and CT Scan .Their are two stones one of 8 mm size and 4.9 mm sized calculus is seen in diatal ureter approx 7mm proximal to VU junction.

I have not other symptoms beyond the severe pain in left side on two days before and than i was given veltam 0.4 mg and veovran SR 100 and Prostrate MB6 .

i have still not been able to pass the stone till now i want to know which homeopathy medicine can help me dissolve the stone and pass it on without pain .

I have started taking berberis vulagris 30 CH daily one time recently after reading some google pages on Kidney stone .pls guide me right medication
  nitin1980 on 2015-06-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take
1. Berberis Vel-Q 5 drops twice a day in 2 teaspoon water
2. lycopodium-200 6 pills twice a day
Pl keep 30-40 minutes gap between 1 and 2
3. Renal Calculi-1m 6 pills on Sunday at bed time (weekly dose)
Pl take this treatment for 15 days and then give feedback
Homeo Helper
homeo_helper 9 years ago
I have been now taking this berberis Vel -Q and Renal calculi from last 15 days and do not have any pain on left kidney .

Renal calculi i took R27 of dr reckweg as renacl calculi -1m was not available
nitin1980 9 years ago
Pls let me know if i need to continue this medicine or change and get ultrasound done as i do not feel any stone which i passed during urination but never felt again .
nitin1980 9 years ago
Renal Calculli-1m is a medicine. It has nothing to do with R-27 combination
Try to procure Renal calculli-1m from market.

Pl continue the medicines suggested for one week and then give feedback
We will decide then whether to do sonography test.
Homeo Helper
homeo_helper 9 years ago

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