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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hernia case

My 20 yr old son has
Inguinal hernia for few years. we tried auyrvedic, homeopathic, as we didn't wanted to do surgery. It was going fine, until last month,
when he started having some issues. Minor pain sometimes in area connecting to
the intestine.
Need help and advise from Mohammed Khan. Thanks.
  suna711 on 2015-06-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi, Thanks.

Please copy and past all info. in your email attachment here.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
suna711 9 years ago
Please re-post info.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
"Mag mure 10M (he took this last when he started having issues),
Sulphur 200c and 1M,
Thuja 200c and 1M,
Nat Mure 200c 1M
Mag mure 30c, 200c, 10M
Lycopodium 200C, 1M, 10M,
Ruta G. 200c, 1M,
Belis per Q, Cocculus Indica Q, Nux vomica 200c, Mag Phos 1M
Calc Fluor 6X, 12X tablets
He took Kali Sulph when he was 3 -5 years old to treat ear infections.
I give him homeopathic medicines for normal cough cold
The above mentioned remedies in your email, When were these taken? How the dose was prepared? How many times a day?
Who suggested these remedies?

What was the response from Lyco 200C, 1M and 10M?

Also, did Nux Vomica 200C helped?

"It was going fine, until last month, when he started having some issues. And, not sure what happened or
if it was a homeopathic medicine which did it."
Any emotional event a month ago?
What remedy was given a month ago?

What remedies have been taken for the last 15 days?
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Aug 2015: Gave Thuja 200C for 15 days, then gave 2 doses of Thuja 1M
September: Gave Mag Mure 30c twice a day
October: Gave Mag Mure 200c twice a day
November/December 20: Gave Natrum Mure 200c morning once a day
December 20 to Jan 1: Gave Natrum Mure 1M morning once a day for 7 days
January 7: Gave 1 Dose of Lycopodium 10M at night 30 min before meal
January 21: Gave Mag Phos 1M 3 drops every day at morning.
March: Continue Mag Phos 1M 3 drops every day at morning. Also take Bellis per Q 15 drops 2 times a day with a cup of water 30 min after meal at morning and night. Apply Bellis externally with cotton on the marks of skin every night before sleep and after bath at morning.
April: Continue Mag Phos 1M
May15: Gave him Mag Mure 10M once a day at morning 30 min before meal for 3 days
May 17: Gave Thuja 1M one dose 30 min before breakfast for 10 days for skin marks
May 21: hernia started bothering, stopped thuja 1M & Mag Mur 10M
June 5: Currently taking Coculus Indica Q 10 drops twice a day at morning and evening 30 min after meal + Ruta 1M one dose every night before sleep every day.
He has been taking Calc Fluor 12X tablets 3 times a day for last 1 year.
For last 1 year, he was being treated by a homeopath professional. each dose is 3 drops in liquid and shake it with water.
After Lycopodium dose, His bowel movements are cleaner for few days.
No emotional event. Actually, he came home from hostel. He was fine until then and doing all activities. So, he was eating home food, did not have constipation, and was relaxed. The only thing he thought was that he didn't wear tight underwear with more support. So, once he realized that, he started wearing support and stronger underwear.
Thanks for all the help.
suna711 9 years ago
Hi, Please calm down and relax. The cure is in the hands of our creator only. Not any doctor or any remedy can cure, unless, our creator wills. All we can do is try and respect your son's disease.

I see a lot of wrong remedies and over dosing.

Please answer all Q's as we progress, take timely actions and follow directions.

Please stop all remedies at once.

Let me suggest remedy(s) asap.

"Aug 2015: Gave Thuja 200C for 15 days, then gave 2 doses of Thuja 1M "
So, in Aug 2014, I believe, Thuja was taken. 200c, how many doses per day?
Thuja 1m, 2 doses, how many days apart?

"September: Gave Mag Mure 30c twice a day"
Did he take for the whole month? Everyday in September?

"October: Gave Mag Mure 200c twice a day"
He took for 31 days?

"November/December 20: Gave Natrum Mure 200c morning once a day"
For how many days?

"January 21: Gave Mag Phos 1M 3 drops every day at morning."
For how many days?

March: Continue Mag Phos 1M 3 drops every day at morning. Also take Bellis per Q 15 drops 2 times a day with a cup of water 30 min after meal at morning and night."

For 31 days?

"April: Continue Mag Phos 1M"
For the whole month of April?

June 5: Currently taking Coculus Indica Q 10 drops twice a day at morning and evening 30 min after meal + Ruta 1M one dose every night before sleep every day."
Is he taking Ruta 1M every night since June 5, please confirm?

"He has been taking Calc Fluor 12X tablets 3 times a day for last 1 year."
Please give start date of last 1 year? Is it Jan 2014 or June 26,2014?

What was the response from Nux Vomica 200C?

Many prayers for your son.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Sat, 27 Jun 2015 00:00:53 UTC]
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Aug 11-26, 2014: 1 dose every day of Thuja 200C for 15 days.
Aug 27 & Aug 30 - took Thuja 1M 1 dose for these 2 days only
September - Mag Mur 30C twice every day for 1 month
October - Mag Mur 200C twice every day for 1 month
November 12 to December 20 - 1 dose of Natrum Mur 200C every day
December 21 - 1 dose of Sulphur 200C
December 22-31 - Natrum Mur 1M 1 dose every day
Jan 1 2015 - 1 dose of Sulphur 1M
January 7: Gave 1 Dose of Lycopodium 10M at night 30 min before meal
January 21-March 10 - 1 dose of Mag Phos 1M every day
March 11 to April 30 - 1 dose of Mag Phos 1M every day. And, Bellis per Q 5 drops 2 times every day (gave 5 drops instead of 15 drops as prescribed)

Yes, he was taking Ruta 1M 1 dose every night since June 5.
He has stopped all medicines from today, until I hear from you.
He started Calc Fluor 12X in Aug 2014 till now.
Nux Vomica 200C was mainly advised to be taken at night if he has gas formation. So, he has taken very rarely.
Thanks, sir. Waiting on your response.
suna711 9 years ago
Hi, Thanks.

This is certainly not homeopathy. Way way over dosing.

"Jan 1 2015 - 1 dose of Sulphur 1M
January 7: Gave 1 Dose of Lycopodium 10M at night 30 min before meal "

One must never give Lyco after Sulphur.

I would like your son to take only one dose of Nux Vomica 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water.

Next will be, Aloe Soc. 200C. Dosing instructions later.

I hope you still have Lyco 200C at home. If yes, is it in the liquid form.

More prayers for you and your son.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Sat, 27 Jun 2015 03:17:16 UTC]
nawazkhan 9 years ago
One must never self-prescribe as the homeopathic remedies are very powerful with serious side effects.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
I wanted to let you know that a homeopath doctor on the forum, prescribed these dosages. I did not self-prescribe, especially as I know these are high potencies.
Currently, my son is in another city. He has Nux Vomica 200C pills. I will send him liquid form. Can he take pills or does it have to be liquid.
I will have to order Aloe Soc 200C. Do I need to get in liquid form?
I do have Lyco 200C liquid.
Please let me know. Thanks for all your help.
suna711 9 years ago
"Can he take pills or does it have to be liquid. "
Remedy in the liquid form is more effective. Please let him take Nux Vomica 200C, dissolve 4 pills in 2 sips of mineral water, Only One Dose please at this time.

"I will have to order Aloe Soc 200C. Do I need to get in liquid form? "
nawazkhan 9 years ago
"a homeopath doctor on the forum, prescribed these dosages."
Please give me the link to look at your son's case treatment. This will help us moving forward.

Many prayers for your son's speedy recovery.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Thanks Dr. Nawaz.
We worked with the homeopath directly via email.
Also, please advise if there are any more medicines I would need, so I can order it together.
suna711 9 years ago
"please advise if there are any more medicines I would need"
Please ask your son about the current Mind symptoms. It would be nice, if he can post by himself? What are his fears? What usually runs in his head and does not get out?

There are a lot of info. he will be unable to share with you. Therefore, please, as he is grown up now, allow him to live his own life. I would strongly encourage you and request you to let him post his other issues as well.

But, to recommend additional remedies, I need accurate data.

Many prayers for your and your son's good health and happy life.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Dr. Nawaz - Please see his response below:
When my hernia isn't bothering me, I feel great without any hindrances in life. However, when I feel it bulging out and the pain and swelling become noticeable, I feel discouraged and unable to do the things I want to do in life (exercise, play basketball, even laughing hurts). It's a truly disappointing feeling that will not be fixed till my hernia is fine.
I have to wear a support when I want to work-out or play sports and this can be a hassle/uncomfortable for me.
Regarding the skin pigmentation, it doesn’t bother me pain-wise but I would like to see it mitigated because it’s noticeable.
suna711 9 years ago

So, did he take Nux Vomica 200c dose yet?

Also, please get Aloe Soc. 200C at this time.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Sun, 28 Jun 2015 20:26:50 UTC]
nawazkhan 9 years ago
He took 1 dose of Nux Vomica 200C yesterday. He feels little worse than earlier, after taking the medicine. Should he take something else?
I have ordered Aloe Soc 200C, I will let you know once it comes, so you can tell me the dosage. it may take ~7 days or so.
Anything else he should take in the meantime?
suna711 9 years ago
"He feels little worse than earlier, "
Please describe in detail.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
It was worse than the day before. The day before it felt really good. Just saw more swelling and it was bothersome.
suna711 9 years ago

"I have ordered Aloe Soc 200C, I will let you know once it comes"
Please do.

"It was worse than the day before"
Here I assume, you are talking about Hernia condition. What are the current Mind symptoms?
How is the sleep, constipation and digestion?

Please go ahead and take one dose of Lycopodium 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water. Only One Dose Please.

Many prayers for your good health.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Can you please tell me what other possible remedies we may need, so I can get them, as it takes time for me to get them and also, my son is in hostel, so I have to mail it to him.
Also, can you please advise on food precautions & activities he needs to be not doing because of his condition.
Thanks again for all your help and I hope and pray that he will be cured.
suna711 9 years ago
In addition to the already suggested remedies, please get Berberis Vulgaris 1X, Ferrum Phos 200C, Calc Phos 200C and Thuja 200C.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Please submit, complete Mind and all Physical symptoms in detail at this time.

Also, how is the digestion? Any gas issues? Any nausea?

How is the constipation?

Any pain?

What remedies have been taken for the last 5 days?
nawazkhan 9 years ago
sir please forgive me.please help me.i will pray for you.
sergel20 9 years ago
Hi Suna711,

Reference to your email, please get all remedies in the liquid form.

Also, please reply to my previou post as following.
"Please submit, complete Mind and all Physical symptoms in detail at this time.

Also, how is the digestion? Any gas issues? Any nausea?

How is the constipation?

Any pain?

What remedies have been taken for the last 5 days?"
[message edited by nawazkhan on Mon, 06 Jul 2015 00:07:20 UTC]
nawazkhan 9 years ago

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