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Kidney Stone



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

right kidney stone

Hello, I have right kidney stone of size 1.6mm and 0.5mm in pelvis also. this is second time i m having a stone issue after 2 yr.earlier i had got leser surgery. I have thyroid (hypo) also. my age is 48yr.
Plz tell me treatment.
  Neha1987 on 2015-07-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
PL take
1. Berberis Vel-Q (MT) 5 drops twice a day in 2 teaspoon water
2. Lycopodium-200 6 pills at bed time
3. Renal Calculli-1m 6 pills at bed bed time on every Sunday (weekly dose) (that day, no Lycopodium)
Pl take this treatment for 15 days and then give feedback

homeo helper
homeo_helper 9 years ago
sir, i have acute pain in back, below stomuch, waist and both thighs also. This is also cure with this medicine. If not plz tell me a painkiller also.
Neha1987 9 years ago
Hi neha,

taking painkiller is not good for health without asking a Medcine specialist or your family doctor..

if u have no dibetics I can advise you some home remedy which will flush your kidney stone..
sabkamalik1 9 years ago
Its really true. i have no diabetes, but i have hypothyroid. so thats way i can't take lemon and other citrius food. plz tell me remedy for kidney stone and kidney stone pain removal remedy also.
Neha1987 9 years ago
Hi neha,

I am sorry actually homeo helper is looking your case and the Medcine he prescribed are good too..it will not good if I post a new remedy so pls wait for his reply..

regarding home remedies I will tell you a best remedy which will goos for you.. other useful remedy is there but u can't take because use of lemon must there.. one remedy I will ask whom I prescribed before if it worked for him will update u soon.

as of now I am telling u 2 remedy

just boil 8 basil leaf (tulsi) in 2 cup of water boil it upto it will 1 cup then add a 1 teaspoon honey.. wait till it's cool then have it

2 times a day will better..

it will not give chance to growth your kidney stone

2nd remedy is

2 glass of watermelon juice everyday

these 2 will give good result in 1 months..
sabkamalik1 9 years ago
thanks. can u plz tell me diet of kidney stone patient. actually i have calcium stone. dr. asked me that avoid of milk and milk product and ca+ product but thats way i feel weakness for last 2 yr bcoz of auoid of ca+ diet, what i do ?
Neha1987 9 years ago
plz tell me home remedy of hypothyroid also.
Neha1987 9 years ago
I have take thyrox 50mg tab. in the morning.
Neha1987 9 years ago
ok.. mail me
sabkamalik1 9 years ago

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