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developed right testicle & curved penis due to mustrublate 1developed right testicle & curved penis due to mustrublate 1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

developed right testicle & curved penis due to mustrublate

1. i'm 21 years old and my weight is 53kgs.i’m doing hard mustrubrate since age of 13.and doing daily so i have developed right testical since age 15.it is not causing any pain but testicle grawn large.and hydrocele getting loose ,so kindly tell it's parmanent cure in homeophaty. That medicine solve this problem permanent.

2. Due to mustrublate my penis is curved in left side since age of 16 ,and it’s size is very small and thick , may be penis staraight ,is it possible, then any Cure is available for this problem plese suggest me. Beause i always depress and warry about it.

3. After developing the testicle i have suffering a problem constipation & digest since 6 years ,i try lots of aurvedic and othe medicine but after leaving the medicine problem is restarted .

4. And i always warry about my weight ,my height is 174cm and weight 53kgs .fe but my boddy weight is 53 kg
So please sugesst me a permanent cure for all four problem
  ankit kumar on 2015-07-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

4 drops twice a day for 1 week

then report me after 15 days

As it clears states in AGNUS CASTUS
ill effects of masturbation ,testicle enlarge ,small penis

So i would suggest you AGNUS CASTUS

Dr.Jitesh Sharma
drjitesh 9 years ago
and for digesting and constipation and body weight please suggest any medicine
ankit kumar 9 years ago
you kindly start this medicine then report me

Dr Jitesh Sharma
drjitesh 9 years ago
i had consulted homeophathy medicine store andCASTUS AGNUS 6 isn't available that store but AGNUS CASTUS Q is available,can i take AGNUS CASTUS Q medicine ,if i can take AGNUS CASTUS Q medicine ,the medicine dose (4 drops twice a day for 1 week) will same or not ! ,kinadly tell me.
ankit kumar 9 years ago
i take AGNUS CASTUS 6 for 15 days ,when i start taking medicine ,some times feel pain in testicle but there are no effect occur ,taking thismedicine ,plz suggest another medicine, but 1 year before i try Rhododendron 30 ,then that medicine work properly and testicle come back own real shape & size but there are not any effect occur in testicle Epididymis & cord
ankit kumar 9 years ago

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