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DepressionPremature Ejaculation



Posts about Depression, Premature Ejaculation

Best Medicine for Premature Ejaculation5Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Premature Ejaculation5regarding nightfall and premature ejaculation24Hypersensitivity of penis skin & premature ejaculation9Acute acidity due to mental depression6Premature Ejaculation5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

22 years old Male. Underweight, Habitual to Masturbation, Suffering from Weakness, ED/ Premature Ejaculation leading to Overthinking, Depression and Anxiety. Please Help.

I am 22 year old college student,Male, 5'8, 56kgs, slightly underweight,

I have issues keeping my masturbation habits under control, i have been doing it since the age of 13, regularity of which has reduced recently, i can resist for a few days but when i get tempted to do it i will do it 2-3 times in a row and continue the next day, i do workout and eat right from time to time, have made significant strength gains but i'm not able to maintain this healthy routine sometimes and when i masturbate i lose all of it and become weak in a day, i become lazy, body starts to pain,i even get feverish sometimes,i feel depressed, my face looks dull and tired, It has also affected my Sexual performance, I am unable to maintain a full erection when i am with someone, and when watching something erotic/porn i tend to ejaculate prematurely. I have also always been an overthinker, my brain does not relax, i constantly have something running on my mind and sometimes have trouble sleeping in the nights, Anxiety, Sweaty palms. Family and friends have claimed this as one of the reasons for me to not be able to put on weight/mass.

Summary/Overview of Ailments:-

•Habitual Masturbation,[Slightest erotic things tempt and urge me]

•Weak Erection/Premature Ejaculation [I am relatively well endowed compared to the average indian male and often hear that men with huge penises have trouble with erections].


•Underweight, unable to gain weight and mass [Already tried weight gainers and all kinds of diets].

I really want to turn over a new leaf in my life, and wish to be healthy and happy,also looking forward to inspiring/helping so many others that are going through the same
hoping Homeopathy will help. Thank you.
  Beinghuman on 2015-07-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

please answer below questions.

how u feel about your self?

you like to see dream about future?

are you watching porn regularly?

you like sweet or salty food?
sabkamalik1 9 years ago
I Feel relatively good about myself when i achieve something, but feel guilty when i fail, in a general manner i am a positive person but i worry too much about the consequences of my actions.

Yes, absolutely. I like to dream of my future, A bright one.

I don't watch porn regularly, but other factors too like meeting someone attractive sometimes gives me urges.

Yes, I do have a sweet tooth, Not for salty foods.
Beinghuman 9 years ago
did u ever try any homeopathy medicine or r u taking any Medcine now?

what other health problems u have?

how is your mind state now a days?

any special dream u see in night?
sabkamalik1 9 years ago
I have never tried homeopathic medicines before, i am not taking any other medication except for a multivitamin and a vitamin-e capsule.

In addition to the above ailments i suffer from Sinusitis, and often catch a cold/fever very easily.
Thats all.

My mental state is stable,though i am a little under career pressure. I sleep very late in the night, don't feel fresh in the morning.

No special dreams, i don't remember them.
Beinghuman 9 years ago

your remedy are

kali phos 6x (SBL or doctor reckeweg german brand)

it's a cell salt just
take 4 tablets at morning 7 am and 4 tablets night.

don't take it with water or don't drink or eat anything 20 minutes before or after remedy

no 2 remedy is

Staphysagria - 30c

1 dose in morning 10 am

1 dose in evening 6 pm

dose -
if u buy in liquid dilution then take 2 drops from liquid dilution directly on your tounge or you can mix it with 1 tea spoonfull mineral water and sip slowly.it's 1 dose

if u purchase remedy in globules form then
5 globules only as 1 days
report me after 15 days

just read some spiritual book

don't drink or smoke
sabkamalik1 9 years ago

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