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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Regarding arnica motana

I met with scissor which lead to my blood vessel burst in my brain 2 years back..leading to my left lower limb paralysis.

My doctor has recently put me on Arnica 1m, i want suggestion can arnica or homeopathy heal my brain and nervous damage done 2 years back.
  khurana76 on 2015-07-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The treatment will take a long time. Your doctor will apply remedies one by one. Please be patient.
kadwa 9 years ago
But my doctor has given me 3 remedies.
Arnica 1m, hypericum 200 and causticum 200,

i wanted to know meaning of your statement,
Doctor will give remedy one by one is not clear, pls help and clarify.
khurana76 9 years ago
Generally doctors give a single remedy at a time. But in your case one may go for multiple remedies at a time. Please follow your doctor.
kadwa 9 years ago
I had scissor in 2013;leading to brain haemmorrage and blood vessel burst on right hand side in 2013 and was on alopathic treatment for some time with physiotherapy..i was able to rise up from wheel chair from my paralysis on left side, but i continue to have problems of left limb paralysis where i drag my foot; very high spasticity in both legs, and urine incontinence which have made my life difficult.but i walk with crutches as i have balance problem while walking. I am 38 years old male..

I went to homeopathic doctor in april 2015, who gave me causticum 200 and arnica 1m, which i took for 6 weeks and since there was no improvement,
I discontinued homeopathy..

After 2 months of break, i was advised by another homeopath to take arnica 6c.i need following advise abd help from this forum.

1. Will arnica 6c help heal as my stroke is 2 years old.

2. Will arnica 6c, be able to help after taking arnica 1 m in past but i had 2 months of gap in bwtween.

3. I will be grateful if someone could help me get over from ailments of urine incontinence and spasticity which has increased in winters..may god bless you..
[message edited by khurana76 on Wed, 11 Nov 2015 03:48:13 UTC]
[message edited by khurana76 on Wed, 11 Nov 2015 03:49:18 UTC]
khurana76 9 years ago

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