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Urgent. Dr akshaymohl please advise me, nausea and vomiting 6 weeks pregnant

Hi doctor akshaymohl,

please advise me. my age is 21 and this is my first pregnancy. I am near about 6 weeks pregnant. I didn't meet any gynic doctor till now. here is a festival going on so no doctor available for next 15 days and my family also want I should take homeopathy medicine in initial stage of pregnancy,

my complications are i am feeling nausea ( vomitimg sensation) and vomiting after everytimes I eat.

whatever I am eating I feel vomiting and Nausea.sometimes I feel very mild stomach pain or cramp. cheast pain when I wake up in morning. I feel very much sick like can't walk ( morning sickness).

I am not able to type the medical term of grinding sensation in stomach after eating something.

once I vomit I feel good. I feel food stucking before vomiting. my mouth is always sour feeling. don't like to eat but am hungry. when I am eating something between nsusea came then I vomit.

I don't like the smell of kitchen now a days. Sometimes I don't like any type of smell

mood is emmotional and caring to husband.

not angry,

please advise me

can I take homeopathy medicine?

I have very much hope on u..sir please help me.

I want to take prescription from you only.

  neelamdesai107 on 2015-08-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
sir today I am having stomach pain may be cramp. please advise sir
neelamdesai107 9 years ago
sir one more thing want to let you know.. many times I feel nausea when I wake up from a sleeping position from bed.

I am waiting your kind attention in this case
neelamdesai107 9 years ago
I regret as per my principle I donot give meds to pregnant mother.Pl show to gynaw BC you need diet for you and your child.God bless you.
akshaymohl 9 years ago

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