The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hyperinsoulin and hypothyroid Page 2 of 2
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Please take one dose of Lachesis 200C on a single day, early in the morning, in empty stomach.
Let me know after 15 days.
You should not repeat this dose unless and until I tell you.
Let me know after 15 days.
You should not repeat this dose unless and until I tell you.
♡ rishimba 9 years ago
Thank you so so much
One dose means that i take 1 pill of Lachesis 200C ?
[message edited by tzenh on Sun, 01 Nov 2015 19:57:52 UTC]
One dose means that i take 1 pill of Lachesis 200C ?
[message edited by tzenh on Sun, 01 Nov 2015 19:57:52 UTC]
tzenh 9 years ago
Hello i have taken the Lachesis 200c that you told me. I think it stoped the burning i felt in my thyroid.
My doctor has increased my dose from 150mg to 250mg of T4
After a month of increasing my dose i have gained more weight and still felling bad.
Can i take homeopathy drugs for thyroid? In which dose?
Unfortunately i am still swollen. Can we do something about that and loose weight?
Please help me
Thank you
My doctor has increased my dose from 150mg to 250mg of T4
After a month of increasing my dose i have gained more weight and still felling bad.
Can i take homeopathy drugs for thyroid? In which dose?
Unfortunately i am still swollen. Can we do something about that and loose weight?
Please help me
Thank you
tzenh 9 years ago
Pl try Fucus. Ves. Q(Mother tinture) before food 10 drops in half cup water for reduction in weight + Reduction of thyroid.also start Bromium 6 or 6c four pills morning - evening.
I am sorry I saw this case today only.Will be happy if you see this.
[message edited by bapu4 on Tue, 23 Aug 2016 18:08:30 UTC]
I am sorry I saw this case today only.Will be happy if you see this.
[message edited by bapu4 on Tue, 23 Aug 2016 18:08:30 UTC]
bapu4 8 years ago
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