The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Diabetic+Erectile Dysfunction+Premature Ejaculation
Hi,I am 32. Married life is good. Perform OK on bed as well, but gradually bed time is decreasing due to PE and feeling the problem of ED also. Doctor tested and found that sperm count is less also.
Diabetes on average is 150-170 in fasting. trying to control by allopathic medicines which works if taken on time.
Please prescribe for PE and ED.
I checked the forums and feel that following should help:
"lycopodium 200c 1 dose everyday for 3 days at evening 5 pm wait 7 days then then start caladium seguinum 30c everyday 1 dose in morning and 1 dose in night for 15 days "
but cant find caladium seguinum 30c in UAE.
JugnuG on 2015-08-22
I think you show my prescription. please know that I prescribe remedy person wise not for all.
u have dibetics so dont take any medication suddenly looking a thread.
yes the 2 Medcine u show are good but it depends upon the persons suffering age,mind, behaviour and many questions need to ask
it's a forum so never take any remedy looking a post. Ok??
if u want I can take your case..I will try some remedy for u and if that not work u can ask other for advise
good luck
♡ sabkamalik1 9 years ago
That was your prescription and i didn't start it considering the factors you mentioned.
I will be grateful if you can help me.
JugnuG 9 years ago
height -
weight -
county -
from how long u are suffering -?
exactly what problem you are facing?
how soon u ejaculate during sex -"?
erection level?
anxiety before sex or depression after premature ejaculation?
♡ sabkamalik1 9 years ago
weight - 90kg
country - UAE resident Pakistani
from how long u are suffering -? 8 months
exactly what problem you are facing?
erection is not hard, it can penetrate in vagina but i can feel that erection is not as it was before. Before (1 year) I could have intercourse 2 times, may be after 5 or 10 minutes gap with hard erection but its not the same now.
how soon u ejaculate during sex -"?
1 or 2 minutes maximum
erection level?
anxiety before sex or depression after premature ejaculation?
Anxiety - not much!
Depression - yes, feeling of her unsatisfactory though rarely lightly mentioned by her!
Some more about me:
- Frequent masturbation for some time; specially recent past, but stopped now!
- Feeling memory problem
- Eye sight is also not sharp, this is old problem may be, I use glasses
JugnuG 9 years ago
Acid phos 30 ( phos - ac or
phosphoricum Acidum as per materia medica)
please take one dose every morning for 10 days
avoid physical intimacy for 10 days after that please say me the results..
dose guideline -
please take 2 drops from liquid dilution if u buy remedy in liquid as one dose
5 globules as one dose.
♡ sabkamalik1 9 years ago
Hope you are doing good. Nice to see your quick responses. Thanks.
Only following is available in the market:
liquid Phosphoricum Acidum 1x and
Acid Phos in potency of 200 and 6CH
Appreciate your further guidance.
JugnuG 9 years ago
Will start from tomorrow morning for 10 days, 5 globules as one dose.
Shall this be taken specifically before or after breakfast?
JugnuG 9 years ago
don't have sex or masterbation for 10 days
after that report me the performance
♡ sabkamalik1 9 years ago
♡ sabkamalik1 9 years ago
♡ sabkamalik1 9 years ago
intercourse after 10 days of medicine course was quite longer and controlled for about 20 minutes.
Next day it was lesser controlled for about 15 minutes.
Looks like remedy worked!
Shall i continue the same doze?
JugnuG 9 years ago
I am so much happy. 20 and 15 minutes is the best and orgasmic experience for both. seems the remedy did a great job. you got your all lost vigour.
please don't take any dose again. please enjoy And continue your happy life.
as per research normal people sexual intercourse time range between 2-7 minutes. so you are doing good. don't worry.
if symptoms return ask me then I will advise u.
if u take again it may over dose
♡ sabkamalik1 9 years ago
Hope you are doing good.
Symptoms seems to be coming back. PE time is like 5 minutes max.
Most important is that we are planning to have a baby and last time dr told me that my sperm count is very less. We are trying since two months but she did not conceive. She is medically fit as told by her gynecologist.
Need your advise.
[message edited by JugnuG on Sat, 02 Jul 2016 12:52:22 UTC]
JugnuG 8 years ago
not sure why I didn't get email notifications about your post and was very much busy so late to reply..
Pls follow same remedy with same guidelines
if that not work will recheck the case again
hi please take below remedy
Acid phos 30 ( phos - ac or
phosphoricum Acidum as per materia medica)
please take one dose every morning for 10 days
avoid physical intimacy for 10 days after that please say me the results..
dose guideline -
please take 2 drops from liquid dilution if u buy remedy in liquid as one dose
5 globules as one dose.
take care
♡ sabkamalik1 8 years ago
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