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teeth grinding at night - help needed from 0antivirus0 or other doctor

My daughter Astha who is 9-years old has been dealing with constant teeth grinding at night. The grinding is very loud and I fear that she will damage her teeth. Is there something in homeopathy to help her with this issue? Please recommend.
  Simran25 on 2015-09-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
cina30 twice daily for 5 days then one dose daily for 7 days.one dose is if liquid it is 2 drops in one table spoon of water or 8 globules as one dose.pl get her stool tested for worms and also watch if she eats chalk .soil or any stuff .
akshaymohl 9 years ago
Thank you for your reply. She does not eat any chalk or dirt. Her stools are very normal as well. Her grinding is more stress related due to her tense relationship with her dad.

I will start her on Cina 30 today itself, unless you want to prescribe something else based on the information above.
Simran25 9 years ago
Another few things that I didn't mention earlier:
1) she has black circles under her eyes
2)her left eye was diagnosed as lazy eye so she wears glasses.
3) she gets congested very often and stayed congested for weeks. Especially she has a hard time sleeping due to blocked nostrils.
4) she sneezes a lot in the morning, like 20-25 sneezes in a row that help her bring out the mucous.
5) her right nostril bleeds when she blows her nose and sometimes otherwise too.
6) her bottom is itchy at times.
7) she does not trust herself very much, has low self confidence.
8) she prefers sweet foods over salty or spicy. She loves ice cream, chocolate.
9) she is very sensitive and easy to cry. She finds it difficult to stop crying ones she starts crying.
Hope this information can help you to provide me a better treatment plan for her. You can also look under my other posts to see other meds prescribed to her earlier for some of the conditions listed above.
Thank you so much,
Simran25 9 years ago
pl continue and report.any stool test for worm done now or in the past.
akshaymohl 9 years ago
child is 9 yrs old and stress due to bad relation with dad pl explain .
akshaymohl 9 years ago
My husband has been involved in an extra marital affair for the past 1.5 years. This has broken my as well as kids trust on him. The kids don't interact with him anymore and Astha gets stressed to even see him around. I have tried to explain her that there is nothing we can do about it, till I divorce my husband.

Hope this explains,
Simran25 9 years ago
ok pl continue and update me .
akshaymohl 9 years ago
Hello doctor,
Astha's teeth grinding has reduced significantly, but she is still grinding (May be 20%) compared to before.
She also has been really stuffy, especially in the morning. She gets 15-20 sneezes in the morning with a lot of mucous and some blood too.

We visited India (Delhi) for 6 weeks this summer and she was totally fine while in India. She did not get stuffy or have any nose bleeds in India, even in the hot summer. I was told by a homeopath there that she gets stuffy and has nose bleeds due to higher altitude of the place where we live.

Please recommend if I should continue her on Cina and what can I do for her stuffiness and nose bleeds.
Thank you,
Simran25 9 years ago
cina 30 repeat for 7 days more and come back for advise.pl give two dose daily with one hour interval.
[message edited by akshaymohl on Wed, 16 Sep 2015 00:56:07 UTC]
akshaymohl 9 years ago
Hello doctor,
I gave Cina 30 to Astha for another week and her grinding has significantly reduced, though she still grinds a few times at night.

For the last few days her twin sister Priya has started grinding. Do I give her the same medicine?

Another issue: I and my two daughters (9 years old) are losing a significant amount of hair from our scalps for the past few months. The hair has been coming out in full lengths from the roots with combing or even touching. My scalp gets very oily every two days. My daughters scalp don't get oily that soon, but it smells like gunk in a few days.
Our scalps are also itchy. There is some dandruff but not a significant amount. I massage oil once a week and use chemical free shampoos. Please recommend if there is any homeopathic treatment to cure this.
Thank you,
Simran25 9 years ago
You can give Cina the same way to another child also.
akshaymohl 9 years ago
Thank you doctor.
Can you also recommend medicine for hair fall for me and my kids, based on the previous message?
Simran25 9 years ago

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