The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Spinal Tumor
I am suffering from spinal cord tumor. According to MRI report, disc D1 to D7 is badly affected. I am not able to walk with my left foot. Pain and strain remains always from abdomen to chest. Please suggest me homoeopathic remedy.Anoop_Kumar on 2015-09-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please take one dose Calcarea Carb 200.
do not eat or drink anything sour as that may antidote medicine.
update after one week.
do not take more than one dose.
do not eat or drink anything sour as that may antidote medicine.
update after one week.
do not take more than one dose.
♡ telescope 9 years ago
Is Calcarea Carb helpful for eliminating spinal tumor?
Anoop_Kumar 9 years ago
My father Kazi Abedur Rahman (81). He had a Bi Pass surgery in the year of 2011 Heart and placed a Ring.Also he has Blood pressure and 25 years old Diabetics. Everything is controlled by exercise, balanced food and Medicine. Regularly he visiting to doctors for rutting check. Last six months his Left Leg does not working properly, I mean he cant stand on feet. His Thai sometimes burns. He is not getting pressure for Toilet, legs becoming thin. there is not pain but sometimes, 2/3 months later he feels back pain and it continue 2/3 days. When he discussed with his Diabetic doctor about this problem. Doctor advised for MRI in his back and it discover there is a Tumor in his back/Spine and it is adult. We visited to Neurosurgery professor in Bangladesh and CMC Vellore, India. Everybody suggested for surgery. But Vellore doctor informed us there is a high risk for this operation. We return back from India in this month April 2018. I gone through Internet and found Homeopathy medicine can solve a little bit and I found your address. If there is any medicine for this treatment, Please advise. The Tumor is almost Big/Adult doctor said.
Kazi Md Bidhan Abid
Inspector of Police
CID HQ, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Kazi Md Bidhan Abid
Inspector of Police
CID HQ, Dhaka, Bangladesh
kazibidhanabid 6 years ago
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