The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Telescope/Simone: Eczema cure with Ars Album
After trying what seems like a million remedies from professional homeopaths overseas and at home we've finally cracked or sons eczema case.Here are the remedies that failed to cure: 1M Sulph; 200C Kali Sulph; 1M Psorinium; 200C Lycopodium; 6C Lyco, Hepar Sulph, Silicea, Kali sulp.h
We looked at some mixed remedies and noticed one of them helped him, so we decided to try every ingredient in it to see which one was helping him and it turns out to be the simplest remedy under the sun -- Arsenicum Album.
I'm not sure how or why this remedy worked so well but in just two 6C doses his eczema has completely started receding.
My question for Telescope/Simone:
Dr Banerji from the homeopathic research foundation suggested 200C potency given daily for one month to complete cure our son but I'm too scared to do high potencies. Am I doing more harm than good by giving Ars Alb 6C for once daily? Is it safe to give daily and if so for how long do you recommend it? Or should I do what Banerji suggested and go with 200C daily which I'm not a big fan of.
Thank you!
kaunhe on 2015-09-11
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