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need help...Polycystic ovarian Diseaese.

My sister age 29 is suffering from Polycystic ovarian Diseaese from last 3 years. It took more than 2 years to determine the disease bcoz of useless doctores.

She had tried so many treatments under allopathic but nothing helped her. She feels hopeless now.

This is all her information which might be helpfull in selecting right remedy.

Age 29
Height 5,6
weight 75
Any other diseaes Thyroid (Over weight)

She is suffering from thyroid since last 2 years but recent report shows that thyroid is normal. She feels fatigue, weakness, sometime abusive, over react on some situations etc.

She is also suffering from period problems. Her period is very late. She has to take medicine to make this happen in right time. During period she feels pain on stomach area and also sometime chest pain. She also feels pain in uretus area.

Can u plz suggest any remedy for thyroid as well as Polycystic ovarian Diseaese.

[message edited by xpert5233 on Mon, 14 Sep 2015 07:14:50 UTC]
  xpert5233 on 2015-09-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Plz reply someone
xpert5233 9 years ago
some more information is required.
1.does she have constipation or diarrhea?
2.what sort of weather does she prefer?
3.does she have any skin disease?
telescope 9 years ago
First of all thank u very much for ur reply.
1.does she have constipation or diarrhea?

Ans: Yes she is suffering from constipation problems. Sometime she feels pain in stomach after meal. No dirrehea.

2.what sort of weather does she prefer?
Ans: She prefer cold weather. Her symptoms gets worse in hot weather

3.does she have any skin disease?
Ans. No such disease.

She feel headache and very short term blindness on waking up.

One more thing right now she is taking Pulsatilla 200 once in a day.

[message edited by xpert5233 on Mon, 14 Sep 2015 09:08:32 UTC]
[message edited by xpert5233 on Mon, 14 Sep 2015 09:20:37 UTC]
xpert5233 9 years ago
please give her Pulsatilla 200 one dose.
tell her not to eat or drink sour things.
no other medicine is to used.
do not take medicine during or just before menstruation.
telescope 9 years ago
Sorry I am not an expert but sharing only for clarification. She will do whatever u say.

She is taking pulsatilla 200 since last two weeks everyday with no result.
xpert5233 9 years ago
sorry, I missed the point that she is already taking pulsatilla. she has already taken enough so she should not take any more. please tell her to take one dose SULPHUR 200.
telescope 9 years ago
Ok thnx for quick response.

When I have to report u.

ansarishoaib 9 years ago
report after 7 days.
telescope 9 years ago

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