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Brain damage due to lack of breathing/heart failure

Dear friends,
My daughter 8 years (SMA - spinal muscular atrophy) patient has breathing difficulty and suddenly collapsed. We took her to hospital, where they had CPR for 20 minutes and pronounced her dead.
My wife started shaking her body and exactly 8 minutes from CPR stoping, her heart started working. CPR team did it again and helped her and put her on VENTILATOR. Heart beat/pulse was more than 220 and was shifted to ICU. EEG was performed and she was pronounced brain dead/brain insult patient.

She had multi organ failure and recovery was almost impossible. Kidneys, lever, stomach, lungs, relaxes, Brain almost every
Thing stopped working. She was fed with NG ( nasal feeding tube) with milk, but body was not absorbing this at all. She was given minerals and enzymes (TPN) by inter viens (IV). Blood sugar was very high so insulin was used to control it. Blood pressure was falling so efidraine and neopfridian (sorry if I am wrong with spelling but these are used to increase the blood pressure and avoid blood clotting in the body)
I can confirm that after 15 to 20 days (contrary to the doctors expectations) body organs started recovering slowly. Stomach, lever, kidneys and other body functions started smoothly. She is also passing her stool in diapers.
After 2 months of this her medicine to control blood pressure is also removed/discontinued (which they were saying is the last hope to make her alive). Today on 16th September 2015 is 4 months she is in this stage with no proper medicine intake except few to keep her away from constipation, to maintain her SODIUM in the blood and one enzyme to help her grow normally.

From the day one she had not opened eyes, no feel of pain, no mouth opening, coughing or giggling. Still on life support/ ventilator for breathing. Doctors say she is STABLE but will not come back to life due to brain damage.

She is growing like normal child her spinal reflexes are working because when we touch her hands or legs she moves them and heartbeat increases.

I request researchers and friend to suggest me something in homeo to start with.
  mjafzal on 2015-09-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please describe your child as to what she looked like and her mental disposition before the present problem.
when did the breathing difficulty start ? can you connect it to any event ?
what other health issues did she have?
telescope 9 years ago
She was normal child, wheel chair bound with weakness in muscles but she was eating, breathing and talking normally. Actually she had a brilliant brain and IQ. Breathing difficulty started immediately. She had minor cough the last day and was neubolized for ease. That day she complained her mother about breathing difficulty only
few minutes before we took her to hospital. Doctors assume that she tried to vomit but could not vomit properly and vomit went to the airway and lungs, which blocked the oxygen, which I am not convinced, as my wife was carrying her and we never felt any kind of vomit.
SMA patients have weak muscles so minor breathing difficulty can be there but not something like this.
She was at no medication, no such health issues, in fact we celebrated her birthday 3 days before this incident happened.
Please let me know if you require any other informations.
mjafzal 9 years ago
Kindly give me your email address. Since this is a very critical case, i ll be sending you contact info of a homeo doctor in india. You can write him complete detail and he will be advising you.

mani_jee 9 years ago
can you upload a picture of your daughter either here or to my email address ?
telescope 9 years ago

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