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ok then we will be using this remedy further, do not take any dose further, report improvement as told after 15 days.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
0antivirus0...thanku sir..i will do as instructed..
aamir2312 9 years ago
0antivirus0 sir..i have headache and my eyes are very heated i assume there it is the eye problem from 6th of october on 9 th again there was contraction around my chest just below rib cage it starts in the evening now somehow i took allopath and everything was well.. i just wanted to give you update..thanku..
[message edited by aamir2312 on Fri, 09 Oct 2015 17:48:07 UTC]
[message edited by aamir2312 on Sat, 10 Oct 2015 11:44:38 UTC]
aamir2312 9 years ago
0antivirus0 sir..its been 11 days and i am better than before...
but..for the last 5-6 days i am unable to sleep..today there was slight contraction in my lower abdomen..and trembling..but my sleep is a problem now..i also had svere pain in my head and my eyes were not good in the starting that is around 7th of october later it was ok..
thankyou sir..
aamir2312 9 years ago
take these biochemic cell salts DAILY,

NAT MUR 6X - 3 pills morning

FERR PHOS 6X - 3 pills afternoon

KALI PHOS 6X - 3 pills evening

(chew them, do not swallow with water, nothing 15 minutes before and after medicine)

0antivirus0 9 years ago
0antivirus0 sir thanku so much for your kind help..sir i dont need to take rhus tox further..thanku..
0antivirus0 sir..i was hoping you would continue me with Rhus tox,sorry for that statement but it helped me a lot..(sorry again)..thanku...
sir one question..which disease i am suffering from..
[message edited by aamir2312 on Sat, 17 Oct 2015 06:59:55 UTC]
aamir2312 9 years ago
0antivirus0 sir..same condition infact more like of that when i started with nux vomica...contraction in lower abdomen my shoulder feels coming forward means C shaped..trembling in the legs..as soon as i start walking or stand up or when i take a journey on my bike just as i stop..yes i am getting sleep now..low energy get tired as easily..low mood..lethargy..face tense and nervousness..
thanku sir..
aamir2312 9 years ago
do not worry, repeat another single dose of rhus tox today, only once,

then after 1 day gap start biochemic salts again.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
0antivirus0 sir..sir today i was remembering my past to think what i am missing I am telling you something with the hope that it may help for further help to me..
1) sir i rember there was a time in my class 7th when a boy from my school was chased desperately by a girl in a funny way i thought why didnt she ran after me...
2)he was made headboy although i was good at studies..again i was shocked as consider that for me
3)every of my friend i thought would be with me followed him..
I would do everything to be like him and was quite jealous of him and in fact anyone who would talk with him He would be an enemy to me i would take his haircut,his dressing style everything to be like him and would constantly find problems in me and would be frustrated..

4)i would make friends who were smart and rich and woulds invite them to the parties so that everyone would see that even i have friends and that too very smart..

5)I would make friends very fast so that people can see that i have friens but untill i was given attention i would be ok but if anyone would say or do anything or would go anywhere without taking me i would not talk to them infact would hide myself from them..

6) I would chose girls although not to my standard just to have one..just to show people that i ahve a girl and would tell them the stories of girls like i am a rockstar in girls..

7)If i had the girl i would be in constant fear to lose them to someone i was very suspicious it was if i desperately need them..i would call them would chat for hours and if anyhow i find her phone busy or she is giving full attention i would cry a lot sometimes i would beg them not to leave me...

8)for friends i wanted the complete attention i wanted them to tell everything to take me with them everywhere actually i wanted the complete monopoly..if that wont happen i would separate myself...and had no courage to want my share..

9) I am always a dominating type in any relationship with friends or girls...it is my way or i would leave them...i would definitely be in grief would cry saying to myself no body cares loves me and everybody leaves me..

10)i am easily offended by critisim and humiliation although i dont say at that time but would constantly think of that...

11) I am also amazed by the films and love them in which there is a strong character who fights against injustice and is feared by his enemies..

thankyou so much..i desperately want a new comeback..
[message edited by aamir2312 on Sun, 18 Oct 2015 17:04:12 UTC]
aamir2312 9 years ago
ok i will consider this, but first do what is told.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
0antivirus0 sir..sir one more thing i recently had a breakup..i was in delhi and my girl started talking to me less frequently and quated the name of the guy..i was thrashed and with lot of suspicion i started withdrawing myself each time she would call me there would be lot of hatred anger frustration from my side..but she was natural..but my suspicion grew stronger and stronger..although she would come to me talk to me but deep down there was a fear of being cheated unworthiness and grief..but till that time i had worked on compassion gratitude and forgiveness ..CBT(cognitive based therapy) and MBCT(mindfullness based cognitive therapy) so it helped me..i tried to forgive her and someway i was better..and then i decided to comewback to my hometown,although it required a lot ofd courage but i managed..but deep down there was sadness and and failure type of feeling..but since i wanted to prove that it doesnt matter she would call me and i would answer her although i would rarely call her back....I really wanted her to talk to me but would always pretend that i am ok..i would be suspicious when she was on FB,watsapp, i would think that she is hiding something from me..And once i met this guy and i was trembling and nervous..When i came back I joined the school which is always been the worst nighmare of my life ...which is going in the public every one would laugh at me and make fun of me would humiliate me..this girls call me still but I always fear if she talks to me of this guy and i come to know she is attracted to this guy...i really dont want her to talk to me of this guy..today i saw a pic of her on watsapp and evrything recalled and i became suspicious...
this makes me feel very inferior,stupid,rejected unlovable,unworthy,and a complete failure..
Hope i am not disturbing you sir I just want my life back thats all..
i want to live this life with love and fun..
aamir2312 9 years ago
first and the most important thing you need to do is to have full blind faith on god,

you should not care what others are saying or doing, you should except every phase and part of life that god is giving you, enjoy every part, how much it looks bad just never loose hope, feel it as a gift of god, do not feel yourself inferior it will increase your anxiety,

just pray and thank him daily because he may not always give what you want, but he gives what you need. if you compare yourself with them who do not have this much also, you will find that god is giving you a lot.

so happiness or sadness is what you think about you life, not what others think about you, just do not give any importance to them whom you think do not need it, no one will humiliate you or can do your harm until the ALMIGHTY GOD is caring you.

be confident, do some meditation and prayer daily morning and night.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
thanku0antivirus0 sir..i will follow what you said...sir actually im quite frustrated with my abdomen the stiffness contraction or something like barrier around my sternum below and behind it...it feels better if i pull back my stomach towards ribcage..but it feels as if a barrier when i do deep belly breathing..it is the main problem and then shaky and trembling like feeling in the body ...sometimes it also gets better if i burp..
thanku again sir i know i am very impatient sir..
aamir2312 9 years ago
keep patience.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
0antivirus0 sir..sir today i have the same problen in stomach as it happened for the first time on 22 nov 2014..its like bloating nausea inflamation very high pressure in the abdomen..i took antacid but nothing happened ..
aamir2312 9 years ago
0antivirus0 sir..feeling of heaviness in my abdomen lot burning nausea bloatind loss of appetite and irritation and frustration...
sir today i ahve started biochemic salt..

sir one more thing the feeling of an electic shock(just like when somebody accidently comes in front of vehicle at high speed and the jolt in the abdomen)
[message edited by aamir2312 on Tue, 20 Oct 2015 05:20:33 UTC]
aamir2312 9 years ago
0antivirus0 sir..my stomach was not good so i started taking Zandu pancharisht...
also sir my sleep was not gud so yesterday i took clonatrill .5mg..
i am continuing with biochemic salt...
aamir2312 9 years ago
yes continue with biochemic salts, they are slow working.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
0antivirus0 sir..thanku for your efforts ...sir today is moharram and everyone is outside and having fun only i am at home with my laptop away from all of them..i am not going outside becuase back in head i am thinking if i go outside they would make fun of me would make fun of me humiliate me and would ignore me..my whole body gets so much tense in gathering that it becomes very difficult to look at them my neck becomes tense i would always stay away from them..i dont want to go there..and 0antivirus0 sir lot of strain and stress at the back and feeing of contraction in the body like twisting..
[message edited by aamir2312 on Sat, 24 Oct 2015 14:22:30 UTC]
aamir2312 9 years ago
do not worry, the problem is due to depression and anxiety, are you taking any allopathic medication ??
0antivirus0 9 years ago
0antivirus0 sir no i dont take allopath..except when i feel the complete need of that..

one more thing sir my hair falls a lot..their density is almost gone 0antivirus0
[message edited by aamir2312 on Sun, 25 Oct 2015 05:22:40 UTC]
aamir2312 9 years ago
ok then take allopathic ESCITAPAX PLUS, 1 tablet daily before night sleep, report improvement after 15 days.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
0antivirus0 sir should i stop biochemic salt..and .5 or 10 mg...sir one more request if you find correct can we continue with our homeopathic medicines..i believe in them a lot..dont mind sir..i really dont like alopath but if you suggest i can take that...

sir i find rhus tox favouring me..
[message edited by aamir2312 on Sun, 25 Oct 2015 06:26:35 UTC]
aamir2312 9 years ago
yes in my opinion also dont take allopathic now, we should wait till seeing response of homeopathy,

ok then continue with biochemic, report improvement after 15 days.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
0antivirus0 sir can i take rhus tox again as i am felling trembling and shivering..and sir there is lot of pain or a kind of stiffness at the back including my neck...can we continue rhus tox regularly sir..sorry

sir if you allow me i can give you complete description of my probems and life which i have concluded after a long time..
[message edited by aamir2312 on Sun, 25 Oct 2015 13:39:15 UTC]
aamir2312 9 years ago
do not worry i have studied your case,

take RHUS TOX 1M liquid, 2 drops in a tablespoon water, only 2 dose not more than that, not daily, 1st dose before sleep and next dose next morning after wakeup,

{if buying pills then 3 pills as one dose, 2 times, 1st at night and 2nd after wakeup, chew it, do not swallow with water}

do not eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after medicine,


feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=
any other change you felt=

0antivirus0 9 years ago

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