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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Excessive Masturbation

Dear Doctors,

I am a man of 25 years, from the age of 17, I am doing masturbation regularly, some times twice a day.

From last 2 years I am suffering from its bad effects.

I feel exhausted, tired, absent minded, unable to concentrate, memory loss, irritated and angrer which burst out occasionally.

Whole day I just want to lay down on bed. My penis shrink to approx 2 inches and feels cold and have lot of wrinkles.

I am preparing for my MBA exams and due to tiredness and lack of concentration and memory I am unable to prepare.

Kindly assist me.

Thanks in advance.
[message edited by Akbarkhan on Mon, 28 Sep 2015 10:54:34 UTC]
[message edited by Akbarkhan on Mon, 28 Sep 2015 10:56:12 UTC]
  Akbarkhan on 2015-09-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Can anyone assist me please
Akbarkhan 9 years ago

[message deleted by kumarrahulkush on Sun, 27 Dec 2015 13:40:55 UTC]
kumarrahulkush 9 years ago

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