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need suggestion of medicine provided by my homeopath

Hi , plz help

i am 25 yr old

I went to homeopath in my city
I am suffering from
1) hair loss ,
2) premature ageing
3) I used to mastrubate a lot
4) nerve sensationin body on urine,stool passing

my doctor gave me following medicines for 1st 2 weeks

a) phos 30c
b) lyco 30c
c) China 30c
4) sel 30c
I took these medicines 2 weeks but there was little to no improvement with my hair loss

on my 2nd visit doctor added following 2 more medicines to the list. so in total 6 medicines for 1 more week

5) staphysegaria 30c
6) acid phos

but now when I take these my head gets heavy (sort of headache) and sort of sensation starts in body

Is it side effects of these medicines??
should I continue or stop ????

bcoz I don't want any further complication in my body
  djrjsskak on 2015-11-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The doctor should get an award. He finally succeeded in making u sick
Zady101 9 years ago
what needs to be done now ??
djrjsskak 9 years ago
also sir,
when I asked him if it could have side effects he said homeopathy is the safest medicine on earth....

sir, now plz suggest what needs to be done .. as mentioned in the above post I have primarily 3 problems and I think it strted bcoz i used to be a chronic mastrubator...
1) hair loss
2) sensation in body while passing stool or unination or mastrubation

3) pre-mature ageing
djrjsskak 9 years ago
Hi , plz help

i am 25 yr old , male
I used to mastrubat a lot

I went to homeopath in my city
I am suffering from
1) hair loss ,
2) nerve sensation in body while urinating or stool passing or on mastrubating

my doctor gave me following medicines for 1st 2 weeks

a) phos 30c
b) lyco 30c
c) China 30c
4) sel 30c
I took these medicines 2 weeks but there was little to no improvement with my hair loss

on my 2nd visit ..when I confessed to him that I used to mastrubate a lot .. doctor added following 2 more medicines to the list
so in total 6 medicines for 1 more week

5) staphysegaria 30c
6) acid phos

Present status is :
I do not find any improvement in my symptoms

plz hep
djrjsskak 9 years ago

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