The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Tinnitus help !!
I am a male, aged 48. I had mumps when I was 10 years old, due to which I lost my hearing in the left year.Five years ago, I began to suffer from tinnitus in the left year. The noise level was tolerable, and was not interfering with any of my daily functions, including sleeping. However, 2 months ago, the noise became very high, extremely unbearable, and I have been suffering very badly, including lack of sleep, and proper concentration. I have not slept at all, and am now suffering from insomnia.
By nature, I am an emotional and timid person. My stress level is also very high, as long as I can remember. I am a very light sleeper also
I do not take tea, coffee, or any intoxicant. I am a vegetarian, and even abstain from onion and garlic. I lead a sattvic life, for the past 18 years.
The sounds that I hear are whistling and leaves rustling. In the evening and night,however, it is a very high pitch wavering ringing sound, that prevents complete sleep. The situation is worse at night, than in the day.
I am sensitive to cold. In winter, I have to take extra precautions against cold and cough, because I can catch a cold or cough easily by cold (cold weather, cold food, cold water, etc.). Other than this, I suffer from gas since childhood. I like generally fried food, and citrus fruits
I quite often have urinary disorders, such as Urinary tract infection. My water intake is very low, and I have to really force myself to drink water. Of late, in the past 1 year, I have had to get up once or twice in the night to relieve my self, and sometimes have to strain myself to urinate, which could be a case of BPH. This further disturbs my sleep. Other than this I have not suffered any major diseases so far.
I do not have BP, although my cholesterol and blood sugar level varies from normal to high without any specific reason. My lifestyle is sedentary, although I do a brisk walk for 1 hour a day, and do pranayama in the morning. My weight is 63 kg, and height 5'8". I am separated from my spouse.
I have not taken any homeopathy medicine, but I have faith, that there is a cure in homeopathy.
Please help. I really need to come out of this state, because if I cannot sleep, I may end up getting some other diseases ( I am compelled to take heavy dosage of sleeping tablets). Even my social life has become almost destroyed.
Please help. If any doctor requires additional information, I shall be glad to provide, and be in regular touch.
Once again, I request a doctor to kindly take up my case. I would be greatly obliged to you.
ss_shenoy on 2015-11-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please click on my id and visit cases under my supervision.
If you wish i can take up with your case. I might require further info to proceed with your case.
If you wish i can take up with your case. I might require further info to proceed with your case.
mani_jee 9 years ago
ss_shenoy 9 years ago
Kindly give detail on your married life and what were the reasons for separations.
Your response to the above question would effect the selection of your constitutional remedy.
Your response to the above question would effect the selection of your constitutional remedy.
mani_jee 9 years ago
Mine was a late marriage, at the age of 37 (in the year 2005)
My spouse was married by her parents against her will (which I discovered subsequently after marriage). This led to extreme antagonistic behaviour on her part with me and my parents, with bickerings on an almost daily basis. She was taking out her anger towards her own parents on me and my folks. The marriage could not last beyond 6 months, after which she filed a false case in the court against me and my family, just to protect herself. This disturbed my mental state heavily, to know that I and my parents have been treated so badly for no fault of ours. I had gone into terrible depression on account of this (and due to the hopeless court proceedings), as I am an introvert by nature. Ever since, it has become very difficult to be socially active, and I keep a very low profile in my community. I fact, my social interactions are almost nil. My only window to the outside world is the Internet and Television.
In fact, there was no married life whatsoever.
My spouse was married by her parents against her will (which I discovered subsequently after marriage). This led to extreme antagonistic behaviour on her part with me and my parents, with bickerings on an almost daily basis. She was taking out her anger towards her own parents on me and my folks. The marriage could not last beyond 6 months, after which she filed a false case in the court against me and my family, just to protect herself. This disturbed my mental state heavily, to know that I and my parents have been treated so badly for no fault of ours. I had gone into terrible depression on account of this (and due to the hopeless court proceedings), as I am an introvert by nature. Ever since, it has become very difficult to be socially active, and I keep a very low profile in my community. I fact, my social interactions are almost nil. My only window to the outside world is the Internet and Television.
In fact, there was no married life whatsoever.
ss_shenoy 9 years ago
Looking into your case, I would recommend to take Flouric Acid 200, 3 doses 12 hours apart as explained below:
Day 1 Evening - 1st dose
Day 2 Morning - 2nd dose
Day 2 Evening - 3rd dose
Then stop the medicine.
If medicine in liquid form, 2 drops of remedy in 2 teasepoon of water makes a dose.
If in pills/pellets form, 3 pills makes a dose.
Since you don't take coffee, so no need to tell you to avoid coffee. :-)
Update after 1 week of taking the remedy.
[message edited by mani_jee on Thu, 05 Nov 2015 09:36:17 UTC]
Day 1 Evening - 1st dose
Day 2 Morning - 2nd dose
Day 2 Evening - 3rd dose
Then stop the medicine.
If medicine in liquid form, 2 drops of remedy in 2 teasepoon of water makes a dose.
If in pills/pellets form, 3 pills makes a dose.
Since you don't take coffee, so no need to tell you to avoid coffee. :-)
Update after 1 week of taking the remedy.
[message edited by mani_jee on Thu, 05 Nov 2015 09:36:17 UTC]
mani_jee 9 years ago
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