The ABC Homeopathy Forum
prostate impotence infertility due to over masturbation
Dear Doctors .Iam a 30 year old male unmarried . from the last 8 years i have been addicted to masturbation . i am facing so many health problems now major issues are . currently i have quit mastur completely . i am going to get married in 6 months .
1. impotence . spermatorrea . weak bent shrunked organ . frequent urination(may be prosrate problem)ower abdomen pain when urine is in stomach .
2. very very weak memory .
3. overall body weakness eyes sunken inside . body underweight. cheeks gone inside . pain in bones n joints .
my age 30 . weight 51 kg height 5 feet 3 inches .
previously taken lot of medicines but due to frequent masturbation i could not get cure .
plz suggest me some safe medicine s without any sideeffects which can cure all my health problems that arised from over masturbation .
[message edited by hope4cure on Fri, 06 Nov 2015 06:29:44 UTC]
hope4cure on 2015-11-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
mani_jee 9 years ago
from the last 1 year i have not took any medicine . before that i took many homeo remedies like bufo 200 . acid phos 30 . staphysagri a 200 . selenium 200 custicum 200 nux vom 200 . calad 30 agnus cactus Q . ( not continuouzly but with gaps ..i do not do self medication i consulted many homeopaths) ......i got cure to an extent but again due to my mastur addiction i am facing now all the problems again . . this time i have totally abandoned mastur bcz my marriage fixed . within 6 months i need to regain my health back . So Mani jee plz advice which remedy to take now . i have seen many cases in this forum where aswagandha Q +avena sativ Q + damiana Q is recommended . plz advice . i stopped mastur completely but im losing semen while erotic thoughts and urination . . memory is totally vanished . i am forgetting everything .
hope4cure 9 years ago
apart from these problems i have
1. bleeding gums . periodontitis from 8 years
2. digestion weak . no hunger . gas in stomach. .
3 . weak vision . eyes gone inside
4. anaemia . weak bones . pain in joints.
1. bleeding gums . periodontitis from 8 years
2. digestion weak . no hunger . gas in stomach. .
3 . weak vision . eyes gone inside
4. anaemia . weak bones . pain in joints.
hope4cure 9 years ago
Please get hold of Gelsimium q. Take a water bottle of 0.5 litre, put 3 drops of Gels q in it and take a cap full twice daily morning and evening. Report back in 1 week.
mani_jee 9 years ago
Dear Mani Jee .
Thankyou so much for your advice. i took the medicine which you prescribed for a week . improvement is almost nil in my condition . plz advice further . which remedy to take . Waiting for your reply .
Thankyou so much for your advice. i took the medicine which you prescribed for a week . improvement is almost nil in my condition . plz advice further . which remedy to take . Waiting for your reply .
hope4cure 9 years ago
Mani Jee. Waiting dor your advice .
hope4cure 9 years ago
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