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1 year old cough and mild fever at night

Hi all,

I desperately need help. Brief history: my 1 year old had pretty strong croup virus with high fever 1 month ago. He was treated with one dose of steroids in the emergency room because he had real difficulty breathing. A day later he also developed ear infection which was treated with natural remedies. Ear infection cleared quickly, but his cough never fully went away. He didn't have any other strong symptoms, just occasional wet cough and there is puffiness under his eyes. I sought help of homeopath who prescribed Nat mur 3 times for 3 days. His cough seemed to improve, but didn't disappear completely. 3 days ago he started to cough pretty hard, wet type of cough, runny clear watery discharge from his nose, eyes tearing up especially outside. Last night he also developed mild fever around 100.5 (I gave 30c belladonna, but not sure it worked) He was coughing pretty hard especially when lying in bed to the point that it felt as if he would throw up. At 1am I gave him 30c sulphur which seemed to help with his cough and his fever went down. I gave him a few doses today, but not sure if it's working. It's evening now and his fever creeps up again. He takes a nap and good cough wakes him up. He needs to sit up to cough it out. In terms of his mood, he is restless and clingy, very active and a bit irritable. He doesn't want to eat much, but happy to drink water and to nurse. I also have been given him some honey with lemon juice. Any idea what can help him at this point? Thank you very much!!
[message edited by kasyan_s on Mon, 09 Nov 2015 21:00:47 UTC]
  kasyan_s on 2015-11-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Lemon juice or anything sour antidotes sulphur.
Give him Sulphur 30 one dose again.
Taking sour things while suffering from cold causes coughing.
telescope 9 years ago
Thank you for your reply, this is very useful info!! We were just at his doctors and were told he has major post nasal drip that causes all that cough. Would you still recommend to do sulphur 30c? Also how long should I wait before given it to him since I just gave him some lemon with honey? Thank you!!
kasyan_s 9 years ago
It is still sulphur 30.
Wait for 3 hours.
Use only one dose.
telescope 9 years ago

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