The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Chronic constipation and incomplete defecation (Major problem)
1. Age: 272. Gender: Male
3. Marital status: Single
4. weight: 68
5. Height: 5'7"
6. Medical history:
Jaundice in 2009 and Ascites in 4th quarter of 2011.
7. List of your complaints:
Chronic constipation and incomplete defecation (Major problem)
stomach rumbling
bloating, acidity,
urge to dispel air from anus (especially as the day passes, that is at night)
Abdominal pain (in case of incomplete defecation)
recently (in past 2 months),
oppressive pain in the stomach esp. on liver side. (till now three times with a frequency = 20-25 days)
It lasts for two days at maximum, and pain subsides with defecation.
8. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint: for the past 2 years
9. Diabetic or non-Diabetic: non diabetic
10. Desire sweets/sour/salt: none
11. Thirst: normal
12. Tongue and Taste
13. Important Question.
Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?
Nux-vomica - 30 (once a day)
Lycopodium - 30 (twice a day)
Chelidonium - 30 (all three for past 45 days)
Bryonia-200 (for one week)
Dosage: Once a day.
Jondila forte syrup. (twice before meals, for the past 12 days)
Present situation:
Above medication have helped me a lot in subsiding my complaints.
but recently, I still got bloated stomach with severe abdominal pain. (after 45 days of medication) and this pain too subsided with defecation.
It seems that feces is being accumulated in my stomach and that creates problem.
I am advised to increase potency from 30 to 200 and also take pulsatilla (for at least 5 days)
14. Diet:
no fried eatables, no non-veg, no caffeine, no smoke.
15. Stool:
often dry, and I have to apply force to pass it.
Please advise me.
I hope i am clear in my post.
[message edited by ePSpO3 on Thu, 19 Nov 2015 14:04:00 UTC]
ePSpO3 on 2015-11-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please stop all medicines and give 24 hour gap. Then take one dose Sulphur 200.
Avoid sour food and drinks as that may interfere with medicine.
Avoid sour food and drinks as that may interfere with medicine.
♡ telescope 9 years ago
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