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Need help ASAP with baby teething some reflux

Hi there my daughter has reflux we used NP6x since 3 weeks old 1/2 at before and 1/2 after. Age did well until 2 weeks ago had a flare up and then we have her Nux V for 3 days to reinstate it. That worked now I feel here flux is under control can I stop the NP? Also can I in turn start using Cham for teething if so what is dose. For a now 3 month old using boiron pellets ?
[message edited by Danicir on Thu, 26 Nov 2015 13:05:46 UTC]
  Danicir on 2015-11-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
chamomilla for restless. crying,weeping angry and irritation which you can use sos .pl use bc 21 two tabs dissolved in water twice daily.
akshaymohl 9 years ago
Glad to note that the Nat Phos 6x therapy that I have pioneered in prescribing for Baby GERD was used by you even though I did not prescribe it. I do not visit the ABC Forum daily as I used to do in its early years shortly after it was founded by Simon Broadley as I have my own Website:

You do not have to use Nat Phos 6x and Nux Vomica 30c in the Wet dose today as your baby’s digestion has stabilised and she does not need it anymore. You may however keep the Nat Phos 6x handy to be used if she shows any signs of distress after a feed. It is best that you do not use the Nux Vomica 30c as this is only for use on a SOS basis, if the Nat Phos alone does not work.

You may use Chamomilla 30c in the Wet dose for a few days as it will help her over her teething problems. You may use the 6 pellets in 500ml water if you cannot get the Liquid Dilution.
Joe De Livera 9 years ago
Thank you but the 6 pellets in 500ml does not seem to help can I up the dose??
daniellec 9 years ago
Need a different dose for wet boiran pellets!!! Please ?? 6 in 500ml is not enough she wets at least 5 bibs a day and is super irritable
daniellec 9 years ago
dissolve one pellet in one table spoon of water and give as one dose.
akshaymohl 9 years ago
That's not working either. She is super restless too. Usually sleeps especially through the night now only is always waking up in middle of night crying so I like her. She would go 8-6am most nights now she wakes at 2 and 4..
I have lycopodium but yet to try do you suggest different dose of Cham I inly have boiron pellets for both ?
daniellec 9 years ago
if she is on only breast fed pl check for colic and gas and give china 30 in the same way.if not you can give chammomilla daily one dose for three days .
akshaymohl 9 years ago

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