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8 week old reflux and gas
My baby is 8 weeks old and we have been struggling to find a fix for his reflux and gas.he is exclusively breastfed. I do not want to give him the prescribed zantac medication. We have tried every over the counter remedy there is with no success. We also give him Biogaia probiotics.He has struggled with gas since he was born. He gets very cramped and screams from his sleep to pass gas. We are lucky to get 5-10 minutes of happy/smiling/content baby at a time before the crying starts again. He is a healthy weight. With the reflux, he is fussy almost constantly, coughs, gags, gets hiccups, snorts, and spits up quite a bit and tends to be fussy at the breast. He constantly arches and is frewuentlt congested.
I have read about the Nat Phos 6x being greatly effective so i ordered this last week and will be acquiring it soon. Will this also help with his gas problems or should I try something else? I heard catnip and fennel could treat gas. Can I give that to him with the Nat phos? Thanks for your help!
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Cmasters443 on 2015-12-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take 2 pills of Lycopodium 200 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over few days. This should help your chin acne and also your baby's flatulence.
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
can i yake with nat phos 6x?
Cmasters443 9 years ago
though it is a case handled by Dr. Kadwa. I think you should not give any other medicine along side with one medicine. Classical Homeopathic approach is always single medicine and minimum dose. Even if your child improves with the 1 dose. do not give the 2nd dose. wait unless the problems comes to a stand still or improves stops.
Dr. Subrata 9 years ago
Will this address his reflux as well? It seems to be worsening. I am currently waiting for my shipment of the remedy you suggested.
Cmasters443 9 years ago
You can use Lycopodium 30 if that is readily available.
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
I used the Lyco and it seems that he is still very gassy; however, he seems to pass it alot more. should I continue taking them?
Cmasters443 9 years ago
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
Should I dissolve it into his milk? Im taking Lyco 200. How much should I give to him?
Cmasters443 9 years ago
If you take the remedy there is no need to give him directly. Otherwise you can dissolve it in milk and give. The remedy should be given twice a day for 3 days. Later on other remedies like Nux Vomica 200, Carbo Veg 200 should be used one by one.
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
Ok I have stopped giving the lyco. Should I start Nux vomica now?
Cmasters443 9 years ago
Yes, Nux may be given on need.
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
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