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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eczema in a 20 month old

My son got diagnosed with Eczema. His symptoms are bumps on the sides of his cheeks that flare up and become red. For the last 2 months he's been getting dry eczema spots on his legs (right leg). Sometimes they appear on his arms, especially in the folds. When bathed his chest and entire back become covered with red bumps. It takes a good week for the bumps on his chest and back to go away, but as soon as I bathe him they come back. He's had the bumps on the sides of his face since he was 6 months old. Last winter he'd get them on his back but not nearly as bed as this year. My son's skin is very fair.

Overall he's a very active boy. He is prone to catching every germ that there is (colds, in October he was hospitalized for croup). He was born through c-section 4 weeks early, 6lbs2oz, 20inches long (I had placenta previa and started bleeding). He had to stay in the hospital for 10 days after birth ( didn't want to eat). I pumped breastmilk for the first 3 months. He had colic for the first 3 months of his life. He was "glued" to my arm for the first year of his life. Right now he gets fussy and I think the terrible 2's arrived early. He's very sensitive emotionally even though he likes to be independent at times.

I've switched to fregrance free detergent, as well as started to use fregrance free organic soaps. I started using Florasone and Celendula cream. They've helped with the redness, but the bumps are still there, making his chest and back feel "leathery". Is there anything I can give him to help the symptoms go away. There is no Naturopath/Homeopathic Doc in my area, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, my son has cradle cap, which looks like dry patches on his scalp.
  MPallotto on 2006-01-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Your detail is very few I can't be able to prescribe any medicine until I got the detail from you for that I request you to please submit your complain in this following format in detail for getting a good prescription.

1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. country
5. climate
6. Chief Complain-from how many days-(time of aggravation and amelioration)
7. current medicine you are taking
8. sign & Symptom of disease
9. Slight back history
10. family back ground
11. qualification of patient
12. Nature of working
13. desire and aversion of food
14. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. If any secret thing or can not want to discus at forum then you can share your talk directly to email by clicking on your any forum doctor. For a good prescription mental detail is must be and try to email of photographs of the diseases part.
15. Aggravation & Amelioration

Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
deoshlok last decade
1. Name - My Name is Marzena ans my son's name is Jack
2. Age -Jack is 20 months old
3. Sex - Male
4. Country - USA
5. Climate - Midwest(lately mild winters and hot and humid summers)
6. Chief Complain-from how many days-(time of aggravation and amelioration)

Last 7 days, bumps on the sides of his cheeks that flared up and became red. Also on his back and chest and for the last 2 months he's been getting dry eczema spots on his legs (right leg). Sometimes they appear on his arms, especially in the folds. When bathed his chest and entire back become covered with red bumps. It takes a good week for the bumps on his chest and back to go away, but as soon as I bathe him they come back. He's had the bumps on the sides of his face since he was 6 months old. Last winter he'd get them on his back but not nearly as bed as this year.

7. current medicine you are taking

Right now I just put Florasone and Celendula on affected areas. They've helped with the redness, but the bumps are still there, making his chest and back feel "leathery".

8. sign & Symptom of disease
For the last 2 months he's been getting dry eczema spots on his legs (right leg). Sometimes they appear on his arms, especially in the folds. When bathed his chest and entire back become covered with red bumps. It takes a good week for the bumps on his chest and back to go away, but as soon as I bathe him they come back. He's had the bumps on the sides of his face since he was 6 months old, the once on his face never go/went away. Last winter he'd get them on his back but not nearly as bed as this year.

9. Slight back history
Overall he's a very active boy. He is prone to catching every germ that there is (colds, in October he was hospitalized for croup). He was born through c-section 4 weeks early, 6lbs2oz, 20inches long (I had placenta previa and started bleeding). He had to stay in the hospital for 10 days after birth ( didn't want to eat). I pumped breastmilk for the first 3 months. He had colic for the first 3 months of his life. He was "glued" to my arm for the first year of his life. Right now he gets fussy and I think the terrible 2's arrived early. He's very sensitive emotionally even though he likes to be independent at times.

10. family back ground
He is prone to catching every germ that there is (colds, in October he was hospitalized for croup). He was born through c-section 4 weeks early, 6lbs2oz, 20inches long (I had placenta previa and started bleeding). He had to stay in the hospital for 10 days after birth ( didn't want to eat). I pumped breastmilk for the first 3 months. He had colic for the first 3 months of his life. He was "glued" to my arm for the first year of his life.

To my knowledge my grandmother had asthma, which she developed at 65 years old. My cousins have alergies, other than that no history of Eczema

11. qualification of patient

Please alaborate

12. Nature of working
I am a stay at home mom

13. desire and aversion of food

My son loves yogurts, and American cheese, and fruits. He only likes meat in a meatball form. If he could he would live on crackers and cheese/yogurt.

14. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so.. on

My son used to be very easily irritable, not so much lately. He is sensitive emotionally, cries easily and gets angry/temper tentrum when things don't go his way. He's very curious, loves to be read to. He doesn't like to be sitting in one place for too long. He's happiest when he's at his own home.

15. Aggravation & Amelioration

When he gets aggravated he will cry or fuss, which sometimes lasts for few seconds and sometimes until he is picked up or paid attention to.
MPallotto last decade
Can anyone please advise if there is anything else I can give to my son for this eczema besides topical ointments?
MPallotto last decade

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