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Dr. 0antivirus0, Dr. Joe De Livera, Sir ,Poor body growth ,, need help

My body frame is so small, height is good. but bones are so smaller in my hands and legs it never developed to their actual extent. also there is no muscle. I encountred childhood testicular injury from cricket ball 8 years ago. please suggest any remedy for proper bone formation, increasing bone mass and normal bone growth; I need a good body frame. my head is big if compare to my body. please suggest remedy for new bone formation and gaining adequate amounts of bones, it may be osteoporosis or osteomalacia due to that childhood testicular trauma. I read calc-phos works great????? any good combination with calc-phos, my age is 22 . I want proper bone growth, plz help Doctors.
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  Pran7 on 2016-01-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
bone growth after 22 years of age is immposible, also god has made everybody different.

For muscle and weight gain you can take 1 tablespoon honey + 1 glass milk + some dry fruits daily.
The more calories food you take the more you gain.
Some excercise is recommended.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
Thanks Sir for your reply. Yeah I agree with it, but it may be due to rigid masturbation habit and severe nightfall which I suffered a lot, I noticed one time when I stop masturbation for 2 months (I avoided it and during that period no nightfall occured) that time my bones again started growing, but the so called evil masturbation is held till today, there is a great chance of bone regeneration Sir because it's happened with me earlier????? .I believe it will bring changes in my frame if I get free from masturbation, plz Co-operate. me Sir. now I did masturbation eventually,, I dnt want to do it but the flow of desires is so huge that it makes me to do that life destructive task, 1st how to get rid of it. STAPHSAGRIYA 200 c will help?? and second thing is what's the remedy to help the growth of bones which lost due to over indulgence calc-phos and calc-carb and silicea???
Pran7 9 years ago
no medicine will work for it, you can do only with your will power.
Masturbation once a week is normal.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
Thanks Sir for your reply,, yeah any astrological advice for it?????? I noticed every time when I quit masturbation for more than one month my muscle and bone start regrowing, plz suggest biochemic. remedy to stronger bones,, my bones are getting weak, thin,, s soft day by day it's osteomalacia it can be cured I believe,, so plz advice me biochemic remedy for good calcium absorption and maintaining proper phosphate level in blood s bones ???? also sometimes bones of hand pains a little. Sir you are my last ray of hope, I am thanking you in advance.
Pran7 9 years ago
16.Describe your face and tongue by doing FACIAL AND TONGUE DIAGNOSIS by visiting homeomzp.blogspot.com

17.For medical astrology tell your birth place,location,timing, date(dd/mm/yyyy format)
0antivirus0 9 years ago
Thanks Sir for your concern, I was outside these days sorry for late reply. I did'nt find anything matched related to face there but below is what I found there which match me:-

sour, soapy s acarid taste in my mouth, and my tongue colour is light red, forehead is wide, no pimples in my face, nose is perfect, eyes are big s black.

and plz tell me homeopathic medicine s divine remedy , I want to grow my body bones and muscles, calc. phosphate and calc. iod combination is OK to recover loss bones s muscles after recovery from illness??????
Pran7 9 years ago
take these biochemic cell salts DAILY,

CALC PHOS 6X - 3 pills morning

MAG PHOS 6X - 3 pills afternoon

KALI PHOS 6X - 3 pills evening

(chew them, do not swallow with water, nothing 15 minutes before and after medicine),


0antivirus0 9 years ago
Thank You Sir For your Quick reply, Thanks a lot, I want to know the uses/importance of mag. phos s Kali phos in health??????
how they work to improve ones health???
Pran7 9 years ago
mag phos for muscle

kali phos for body weakness
0antivirus0 9 years ago
The remedy you selected is really suit my body s mind symptoms , i have also nervous system disorder and kali phos is for that , facial diagnosis is really good.

Thanks Sir, how much gap I have to take during the three month course of above medication?????

These are biochemic medicine and hence no side effects, but does it cause any problem if there is a existing disorder/disease???
Pran7 9 years ago
no side effects, no gap take daily,
if after 3 months you find improvement,
then for 1 week every month for 1 year.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
Thanks Sir, yes I will buy it soon. Is it same as homeopathic sugar pills , or different pills are available????

I have one more problem, my penis has numbness when it is in non-erect state, I allowed dry smegma to occupy inside my foreskin due to lack of knowledge and didn't react the foreskin, but few months ago I realized that the foreskin is to be reacted and to be cleaned regularly , no there is no any dry smegma and area is clean but a white dry skin develops there, I wash it and again it comes, and penis is numb, i want to know the remedies for that white layer and numb penis?? sulphur or rhus tox for white layer???? and hypericum for numbness ???? skin of penis is also light and after bathing it gets moist .
Pran7 9 years ago
there is no remedy for that problem.
Bio chemic pills are like homeopathic pills.

Your case closed.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
Thank you Sir, biochemic pills are available in homeopathic store in India?????? can i combine one more cell salt., calc-flour or silicea with that for better calcium absorption?? . which would be best for calc-flour or silicea? ?
Pran7 9 years ago
yes there are easily available in india.

No do not combine them.
This much is sufficient.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
Thanks you Sir. yeah.

Is Dr. Reckeweg R34 and A.Vogel calcium absorption formula are used for bones regeneration. ??????????????????
Pran7 9 years ago

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