The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hypericum and Surgery
Hello -Is it true that Hypericum will interfere with anesthesia for surgery?
My cat has some nerve pain in her front leg and I want to give her Hypericum, but she is going in for a major surgery in two weeks.
I know to give Arnica before and after the surgery, but it is safe to give her Hypericum now?
Thank you kindly for your help.
emeraldbridges on 2016-01-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I read your post about Hypericum which you wish to give your cat who you state suffers from "some nerve pain in her front leg”.
May I inquire how you have diagnosed this pain?
You also state:
"I know to give Arnica before and after the surgery,”
Can you please indicate how you propose to do so?
May I inquire how you have diagnosed this pain?
You also state:
"I know to give Arnica before and after the surgery,”
Can you please indicate how you propose to do so?
♡ Joe De Livera 9 years ago
Thank you for your response.
My kitty got a blood clot in her front leg (diagnosed by vet). We began giving her Arnica 30c and the vet was impressed at how quickly she could walk again. Now, she still has some pain and the vet says it takes a while for the nerves to grow back. Arnica doesn't seem to help the leg pain anymore, and I did some research and found that Hypericum is good for that. (My kitty raises her head and bends her neck back, pain is worse 6-10 p.m. and it is upper front leg.)
By the way, I cannot find a local homeopathic vet and my current vet does not believe in homeopathy, so I am doing this on my own.
She will be going in for surgery in two weeks and I was planning to give Arnica 30c 2x day the day prior to surgery and once again the morning of the surgery. Then when she comes home, I was going to give it to her for a couple of more days.
I am going all of this on my own, so any help you can offer would be appreciated. I am not sure if Arnica 200c would be better for surgery? They will be removing a tumor from her lung.
Also, I found one reference online that Hypericum can interfere with anesthesia and not to give it before surgery. I am wanting to confirm this, since I cannot find anymore references to this. I would hate to mess up her surgery.
Thank you kindly for your assistance.
My kitty got a blood clot in her front leg (diagnosed by vet). We began giving her Arnica 30c and the vet was impressed at how quickly she could walk again. Now, she still has some pain and the vet says it takes a while for the nerves to grow back. Arnica doesn't seem to help the leg pain anymore, and I did some research and found that Hypericum is good for that. (My kitty raises her head and bends her neck back, pain is worse 6-10 p.m. and it is upper front leg.)
By the way, I cannot find a local homeopathic vet and my current vet does not believe in homeopathy, so I am doing this on my own.
She will be going in for surgery in two weeks and I was planning to give Arnica 30c 2x day the day prior to surgery and once again the morning of the surgery. Then when she comes home, I was going to give it to her for a couple of more days.
I am going all of this on my own, so any help you can offer would be appreciated. I am not sure if Arnica 200c would be better for surgery? They will be removing a tumor from her lung.
Also, I found one reference online that Hypericum can interfere with anesthesia and not to give it before surgery. I am wanting to confirm this, since I cannot find anymore references to this. I would hate to mess up her surgery.
Thank you kindly for your assistance.
emeraldbridges 9 years ago
I believe that I am perhaps the only patient in the world who experienced major surgery in 2002 and REFUSED to use the Morphine that was fixed to the IV drip. I had informed the nursing staff and the surgeon that I was dedicated to Homeopathy which I practiced in a non classical manner aka “Joepathy” (Google) and that I did not require any analgesic post surgery as I intended to use Arnica 30c to treat the pain.
I was requested to sign a waiver before the Morphine tube was disconnected and I took a dose of Arnica 30 every 2 hours on Day 1. I was able to walk to the toilet in 24 hours post surgery and walked out of hospital on Day 5. I was taking just 4 doses of Arnica at that time and I recovered fully by the time the clips were removed on the Day 12.
You may modify this protocol for your cat whose chances seem slim if as you state she is to have a Tumour excised from her lung as it is very likely that surgery will cause it to collapse.
I was requested to sign a waiver before the Morphine tube was disconnected and I took a dose of Arnica 30 every 2 hours on Day 1. I was able to walk to the toilet in 24 hours post surgery and walked out of hospital on Day 5. I was taking just 4 doses of Arnica at that time and I recovered fully by the time the clips were removed on the Day 12.
You may modify this protocol for your cat whose chances seem slim if as you state she is to have a Tumour excised from her lung as it is very likely that surgery will cause it to collapse.
♡ Joe De Livera 9 years ago
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