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Help for PCO needed from Skilled professionals

Hi I am an 18 year old female
I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovaries 4 months ago

I have regular periods ( last cycle was 8/1/16 )

I have calcium deficiency and Hypothyroidism
I take 3 medicines for all of these conditions which were prescribed by my Gynecologist and General Physician:

Diane 35 for PCO
D3 Extra Sachets once a week
Thyronorm 25 mcg daily

My Height is 5feet5inches and I am approx 73 kgs .
I have a lot of facial and body hair due to biological factors and PCO

I am currently on only 1 homeopathy medicine which is IODINE 1M Once in a fortnight which was prescribed by my doctor .

Please tell me which homeopathic medicines I should take for weight loss , excess facial /body hair and PCO
[message edited by amazingsoul on Sat, 23 Jan 2016 09:07:47 UTC]
  amazingsoul on 2016-01-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If your thyroid issue can be addressed, all other things will correct automatically.

How long have you been on Iodine and have you noticed any change.
fitness 9 years ago
I have Hypothyroidism
My TSH Level is 7.7

I have been using Iodine for 3 months now . I mainly use it to get rid of uneven skin tone . I have noticed I feel more active and I dont get cold easily.
amazingsoul 9 years ago
I really need help for this asap
amazingsoul 9 years ago

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