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7.5 years old boy bedwetting

my son who is now 7.5 years old is always bedwetting. i tried everything. sometimes when i wake him up during thr night (specially school nights) he wakes up clean but during the breaks with long sleep nights he passes urine once or twice.
yesterday i gave him 2 small lycopodium 30c and for the first time he slept for 10 straight hours without bedwetting. i dont know if this was right or not or just a coincidence and if this is right then what dose should i follow so he doesnt do it again?
thanks a lot
ps: i only have the homeopathy kit with 30cs
  roushw on 2016-01-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl give him
Sulphur-30 then Calc Carb-30 and then Lycopodium-30 one dose of 6 pills at bed time on alternate days. (Sunday Sulphur then Tuesday Calc Carb and Thirsday Lyco) like this.
Pl give feedback in next week

homeo helper
homeo_helper 9 years ago
thank u very much.
i already gave him the lyco yesterday so (if i understood welll) i should start tomorrow with the sulph right?
roushw 9 years ago
yes, you can start
homeo helper
homeo_helper 9 years ago

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