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ABC Homeopathy Forum


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr.Arshad Ali Saeed homeopath

BHMS University Of Peshawar
Postgraduate homeopathy,London,UK
Welcome all patients across the globe for free of charge homeopathic consultations 24/7.
With WET DOSE homeopathic protocols.Thank you
  Ali007 on 2016-01-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Welcome to the ABC which is the most popular Homeopathic Forum in the world and receives about 10000 hits from visitors daily.

I am the oldest member of this Forum and you can click on my name to read the many cases I have treated here since I first joined it in 2003 and follow my progress on this Forum.

Thank you for your statement emphasising the Wet Dose protocol I first started to use in 2005 and which both you and I use today:
"With WET DOSE homeopathic protocols."
Joe De Livera 9 years ago
welcome to the form
sameed 9 years ago
Assalam how do I contact u?
Hussayn 8 years ago

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