The ABC Homeopathy Forum
cough plz help telescope or antivirus
Dear tele my sister in law have a problem of cough too she always suffered during winter. She currently take allopathy antibiotic but no improvement yet.Gargle done bt him at night but not relieved.
Cough incresead at evening to night.
In day sometime she has cough little bit low comparing to evening.
She is much talkative. Age 30year.
It is chronic cough dry type. Sometype she coughing too much when she go on to bed to sleep.
Always she cough kho kho type in hindi.
Plz advise
Nitesh Kamal on 2016-02-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
give these biochemic cell salts DAILY,
KALI MUR 6X - 3 pills morning
NAT MUR 6X - 3 pills afternoon
MAG PHOS 6X - 3 pills evening
(chew them, do not swallow with water, nothing 15 minutes before and after medicine)
take unnani Hamdard Joshina 1 tablespoon mixed in half cup warm water, 3 times a day, daily.
KALI MUR 6X - 3 pills morning
NAT MUR 6X - 3 pills afternoon
MAG PHOS 6X - 3 pills evening
(chew them, do not swallow with water, nothing 15 minutes before and after medicine)
take unnani Hamdard Joshina 1 tablespoon mixed in half cup warm water, 3 times a day, daily.
♡ 0antivirus0 9 years ago
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