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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Acne and Other Skin Problems

Hi, there! I have struggled with acne for about 7 years; the pustules usually appear on my face and scalp (folliculitis). I am currently seeing a professional homeopath but I figured I'd get a second opinion (just for reference); I've been having a really hard time pinpointing my exact symptoms and what makes them worse/better. What things should I pay special attention to? What remedies would best suit me? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Here is my current “profile”: I am a 20 year old male. I get a combination of small whiteheads and medium-sized cysts on my face (cheeks, jaw-line, and near temples); they are not always painful, but they’re unattractive, to say the least. My scalp is especially troubling; I get a lot of smarting, pus-filled boils (and subsequent scars) all over my scalp. My skin tends to get worse in the winter; my scalp experiences an unpleasant itching sensation after perspiring (from exercise) and after rinsing in cold water. Washing in hot water, conversely, helps desensitize my scalp.

Additionally, I have suffered from clinical depression (anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, shame, etc.) for 10 years. My mood worsens in the winter and in the evening (after the sun sets). I also suffer from digestive issues- I had my gallbladder removed as a teenager. Since then, I have extremely painful "hiccups" every morning upon rising; walking helps. I feel constantly hungry and tend to overeat; vomit rises in my throat for hours after any meal. Fatty foods and dairy make me feel especially nauseous.

This is just a jumping-off point. I know there are a lot of remedies. If you need any other information, let me know! Once again, any advice would be greatly appreciated- thank you!
  splenda813 on 2016-02-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I maybe able to help. Please check out my profile by clicking my username.
fitness 9 years ago

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