The ABC Homeopathy Forum
lycopodium (start?) dosis social panic
I would like some advice on the dosage of lycopodium . I am 36 years old and I suffer from social panic attacks since I was 16 years old. I have often thought about how this first arised. Perhaps this is not important, but partly I think my personality, heredity (my mother is anxious and nervous person) and my Crohn's disease. One of my Crohn symptoms has always been nausea.This is also one sympton with the social panic. Afraid that in crowded places with many people this wil occure. This happens on a "bad" day. I become tense, sweaty palms, increased heart rate, nausea, cramped feeling, can not relax and am very alert about the environment around me.
It's now all better than in my youth when I could not even go to the grocery store. For years I used my Crohn as an excuses to avoid social sites. Nobody knows my fear.
So I'm still not redeemed, it still plays in the background with symtoms like:
- I will never step on public transport or in an airplane
- Never visit a busy city center or foreign city
- Do a lot in my car (can escape quickly)
- Always exploring things in strange places: the people, emergency exits and toilets
- Want to sit in the front in restaurants
- Never can go to exhibitions, concerts or museums.
I always am busy in my head (compulsive?) With this fear.
I did some reading and would like to try lycopodium. My character is the lycopodium type.
However, the dose or a schedule is the problem. I have read on this forum that you can use it only once a few days. This raises a lot of questions. How is this possible? And what if this gives some relief but the symptoms come back. Should you not repeat the dose after a few weeks or a month for maintenance? Can a few pills cure al these years of terror? That sounds like a dream.
I also saw that people talk about 30c and 200c. Here in the Netherlands we have c30, d30, 200k. Is this the same?
I'm curious about the/your opinion(s).
arnolddew on 2016-02-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take a single dose of Lycopodium 200k and see how that affects over 15 days. One dose means 2 pills.
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
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