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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Attn: Dr. Ali007, Joe De Livera || PCOS, Chocolate Cyst problem

I am 33 year old. Married for 5 years. We are trying to have baby for last 1 year, without success.

My diagnosis:
On 24/3/2015, I was diagnosed with Oligozoospermia. Result was:
Sperm Count: 2 million/ml, Motility: 60% active motile, 20% sluggishly motile, 20% non-motile,
Morphology: 60% are normal, Epithelial Cells: 2-3/HPF , Pus cells: 8-10/HPF.

I have been taking Levocarnitine since then.

On 27/12/2015, diagnosis result is:
Sperm Count: 5 million/ml, Motility: 20% active motile, 20% sluggishly motile, 60% non-motile,
Morphology: 30% are normal, Epithelial Cells: 8-10/HPF , Pus cells: 8-12/HPF.

* I have seborrhoeic dermatitis problem for 1 year in hand, check and beard area.
* I don't have erectile dysfunction or ejaculation problem. Only sometimes feel general weakness. And sometime have a feeling of premature ejaculation and need to pause after every few minutes.

My Wife's diagnosis:
She was diagnosed with PCOS 2 years ago, and treated with Metformin & Letrozole. About one year ago, there was no cyst found in TVS.

Now her FSH, LH ratio is 4.84:3.70 and on TVS, a chocolate cysts was found in her left ovary, measuring 3.7 x 2.8 cm, while right ovary is normal. Her AMH is 5.6 ng/ml.

We don't want to go for surgical procedure, which doctors are suggesting. Please suggest us medicine for our problem, I would be grateful.
[message edited by bashar on Mon, 22 Feb 2016 16:58:24 UTC]
[message edited by bashar on Sat, 26 Mar 2016 17:08:01 UTC]
  bashar on 2016-02-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
your wife prescription:
Homeopathic Wet Dose protocol therapy:
1.Arnica 30 WD (Wet Dose)
Dosage:Two spoonful twice a day before meal.
2.Bellis perennis 30 WD
Dosage: Two spoonful twice a day before meal.
Apis mellifica 6 WD
Dosage: Two spoonful twice a day before meal.
Note: To make a WD(Wet Dose) of a homeopathic medicine is as follows:
Get 500ml spring water bottle and pour out 3cm and then insert 3 drops of a medicine.Shake/stroke 6 times before taking each dose.
If you can't get spring water so then alternatively you can use tap water after boiling to get rid of chlorine as it antidote homeopathic medicine instantly.
Please post your TVS(Trans vaginal sonogram) report after 3 months.
Stop all other medicine including allopathic and homeopathic.
Ali007 9 years ago
Thank you very much for the prescription.

I missed some details about my wife. Her weight is 80kg. She does not have continuous pain, but during first 2/3 days of menstruation, she feels severe pain. Usually her period starts after every 29-35 days. Her recent TVS report shows normal with no poly-cyst but only a single chocolate cyst in her left ovary. She also suffer from hirsutism. She is taking metformin regularly for 2 years when after PCOS was diagnosed.
Should she stop taking metformin and does these medicine correct her PCOS and get pregnant? please suggest.
bashar 9 years ago
Stop all other medicine and report as said in my prescription.
Ali007 9 years ago
I am going to buy these medicine today. One question about the potency: are all those in c potency like 30c, 6c? And should there be any gap between taking those medicines, as all have to be taken before meal?
[message edited by bashar on Sun, 21 Feb 2016 04:00:08 UTC]
bashar 9 years ago
Can anyone please suggest medicine for my low sperm count problem...
bashar 9 years ago
One person suggested the following medicine for my low sperm count problem:

1. Cantharis: 20 drops 3 times per day
2. Ashwagandha: 20 drops 3 times per day
3. Thuja: 5 ml every week for 4 weeks.

Can any body please comment on this...
bashar 9 years ago
Dear Dr. Ali,
My wife has already started taking those medicine, you prescribed. Shall let you know about the progress.
bashar 9 years ago
My wife is taking the following medicines for last 45 days:
1.Arnica 30 WD
2.Bellis perennis 30 WD
3. Apis mellifica 6 WD

She does not have the pain, which she felt earlier before period.

But, even after 35 days of last menstruation, her period is not starting as usual; she notices sluggish brownish discharge, but no blood.

Please suggest what should we do now, need your suggestions.
bashar 8 years ago

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