The ABC Homeopathy Forum
urgent help require for ligament injury please
i had right knee ligament injury i.e., ACL-Gr-I sprain and MCL- II strain ple advise me to have homeopathy medicine.♥ helpfulinformation on 2016-02-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take one dose of Ruta 30c, repeat every 3 days till full relief.
fitness 9 years ago
hi, thank u for ur reply. actually expect advice from a professional like doctors in homeopathy. i have taken MRI. the has bee given in MRI that ACL, Meniscus and MCL were injured whether any other combination may help for blood circulation in the area which is not usual injured area and for your kind information i have also seen and studied homeopathy forum, based on that i have taken already ruta 30 three times a day of 2 granuvel for each times half and hour before food. any have thanks
♡ helpfulinformation 9 years ago
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