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Dr kadwa, Dr Nawaz or any doctor--Shrink scrotum bag and penis erection problem along with stomach problem

I am 26 years old male
Weight: 68 kg
Height: 5.6 ft
Country: India

Got married last year only but i am not satisfied with my sex life. All throughout my day i feel my scrotum bag shrink along with my loose penis which is often very loose. During foreplay the penis gets hard but suffers from premature ejaculation and the even lose hardness easily.I was masturbation addict but now a days don't have that kind of urge.Though my wife is very supportive in sex but still i am kind of losing my self confidence and even sometimes feel stressed out. More over recently I have observed loss in memory also.I even have headache problem which persist from college days and can come anytime specially during stress period or tension.

I tried myself after reading somewhere in this forum about Lycopodium 1M for 3 doses(ie 2 drops of liquid Lypodium 1M in 1/4 glass of water) in the morning, night and again in the morning.Just for 1 month.

Though this helped in strong erection but still after 1 month feel kind of same. More over my penis still remains loose most of the time except for morning.

Let me draw your attention towards my gastric problem.My stomach easily gets bloated after eating something.At first used to have Puls 30 if its caused due to heavy oily things like Puri or something.
I even used to have Nux 200 or carbo veg if its caused due to non veg or over eating. I used to be very lazy kind of person coz of my nature of work not have recently joined Gym and even involved in light evening walk.

Extra information :

1.Smoking : casually like once in 1 month along with friends while having drinks (generally with whisky with not more than 4 or 5 peg).

2.Dandruff and hair fall problem.

3.Day dream a lot.

4. Tonsillitis problem and with change in weather generally fall sick as in mild fever and cough.

Kindly help me.

[message edited by sambhav69 on Tue, 01 Mar 2016 19:20:58 UTC]
  sambhav69 on 2016-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
For starters take a dose of Nat mur 200c ( 2 drops in half a glass of water). Report back in 2 days of any changes in your mental condition and eating habits.
nervousguy1 9 years ago
Is Nat mur 200 for erection or for digestion problem?
sambhav69 9 years ago
How is Staphysgaria and nat mur differ ?

I even have anxiety issues. My moods fluctuates sometimes up and all of a sudden for no reason down.
sambhav69 9 years ago
Sometimes I even find it difficult to come out of a thought easily and some past event do haunt me as in thinking process. Sometime i do realize that there's nothing wrong and did all MRI scan(though The result was normal) and even consulted doctors cause I was feeling few months back that the earth is shaking like that in earth quake though in reality there wasn't any earth quake.My neurologist suggested its an anxiety issue.
sambhav69 9 years ago
Have you taken the dose of Nat Mur as suggested ?
nervousguy1 9 years ago
Hi nervousguy1,

Can you please tell me whether you a doctor or an observant?
sambhav69 9 years ago
Dr kadwa can you please look my case.

sambhav69 8 years ago
Is Sbl damiagra safe ??
Please suggest which medicine to take and its dosage.
[message edited by sambhav69 on Sat, 19 Mar 2016 18:42:40 UTC]
sambhav69 8 years ago
Can some doctor please reply.
sambhav69 8 years ago

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