The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Dr. Kadwa, pls help 2 yr old daughter, frequent cough/cold and fever
Hello doctor,Please help my daughter, she is only 2 years old.
Frequently she is getting Fever and cold.
Cold is still there with hollow cough.
Sometime sneezing as well.
White secretions from her her nose.
It seems she is having shortbreath/breathing fast.
Mouth breathing while sleeping.
She is coughing badly whenever she is crying or laughing.
She is restless and irritated.
Less appetite
Stool dry, hard and color of stool is kind of black with foul smelling.
Red blister/rash in the mouth (mouth ulcer) (happenning since last 2 month, her
mother has same problem)
Dry and cracked lips (happenning since last 2 month)
She has itchy legs and back
Skin rash
She has mouth breathing habit
Black circle under her eye
Teething prpblem is also there. She has completed 2 years in 1st January, still all the teeth yet to come.
Her enire head and back sweats badly while she sleeps. She never eat food regularly and has very poor appetite.
[message edited by aftabuddin on Wed, 02 Mar 2016 12:50:13 UTC]
[message edited by aftabuddin on Wed, 02 Mar 2016 12:50:55 UTC]
aftabuddin on 2016-03-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
One dose of Suplhur 200c (One drop in 500 ml of mineral water, shake the bottle, and take one tea spoon of water and give it your child, waste the rest of liquid from the mineral water bottle).
Follow that up with Dr. Reckeweg Alfalfa Tonic 500ml
Report back in 15 days.
One dose of Suplhur 200c (One drop in 500 ml of mineral water, shake the bottle, and take one tea spoon of water and give it your child, waste the rest of liquid from the mineral water bottle).
Follow that up with Dr. Reckeweg Alfalfa Tonic 500ml
Report back in 15 days.
ahmedpatient 9 years ago
Thank you doctor,
Currently she is having Broynia 30.Can we use sulphur along with Briyonia?
Also she is having the below mentioned problem which i forgot to mention.
Her enire head and back sweats badly while she sleeps. She never eat food regularly and has very poor appetite.
Currently she is having Broynia 30.Can we use sulphur along with Briyonia?
Also she is having the below mentioned problem which i forgot to mention.
Her enire head and back sweats badly while she sleeps. She never eat food regularly and has very poor appetite.
aftabuddin 9 years ago
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