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Nux Vomica: Sulphur: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: First Aid Kit:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Relationship between Nux Vomica and Sulphur

I'm looking for people's opinions or experiences in using Sulphur and Nux Vomica in alteration.

This is frequently suggested as a remedial method for hemorrhoids, but more generally speaking, the action of Nux is listed as both complementary and antidoting to the action of Sulph.

Kent says about Nux, "It is closely related to Sulphur and often antidotes the overaction of Sulphur. It seldom goes to the bottom and antidotes the constitutional action of Sulphur, but it will remove its exaggerated action, its superficial action."

The 'click2homeopathy' website suggests, "While restoring the natural body responses, Sulphur produces painful skin diseases. Nux Vomica cleanses the body of these skin diseases without suppressing the diseases back inside the body. Thus, Nux Vomica works as an extremely potent adjuvant of Sulphur."

Have you experienced this, especially in constitutional Sulphur cases, where Sulphur provokes an initial reaction for a while, but then seems to get "stuck"?

Did you use Nux with success in these situations, and how frequently did you find it necessary to alternate between the two remedies?

Would you agree with the idea that Nux is actively clearing the disease 'energy' that Sulph brings to the surface, instead of simply antidoting the Sulph?
[message edited by Machinima on Wed, 02 Mar 2016 23:44:11 UTC]
  Machinima on 2016-03-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sulphur Nux is an excellent detox protocol. It has a profound action on GI tract. Many homeopaths use it during the treatment on and off. How the remedy exactly works is a big mystery in homeopathy and it gives rise to all sorts of speculative explanations.
kadwa 9 years ago

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