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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Homeopathy in Canada for immigrant Homeopaths.

Hi. I am an immigrant homeopathy practitioner. I already know the process to validate my diploma and start working. I would like some insights about how is the panorama for homeopathy practitioners in Canada. And also looking for some friends to chat about homeopathy related subjects on daily basis.

Rafael Collaço - Homeopathy MD - Brazil.
  collacomd on 2016-03-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am trying to find help. I realize you are trying to get a job, but I need guidance and since you are a practitioner maybe you can lend me a hand. My dog has severe arthritis and he is suffering from lameness in his hind legs. I have given him Rhus Tox, to which at first he reacted very favorable. Now not so much. What other remedies may be appropriate and safe for me to try. I really need help. Thanks!
emiashby 9 years ago

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