The ABC Homeopathy Forum
fitness just don't try to fool everyone here
Hey fitness,I was silent after your last disturbing post in a thread..
as you said there I have nothing in my profile and I don't know anything about homeopathy..
Ok for a minutes let's sure I don't know homeopathy but I have some questions to you..
why dont you advise people on forum contiously??
where have you been from last August 2015 after a guy Faisal(id) just called you fraud and posted below threads
why all time you telling everyone to email you in very firsr reply??
why that thread is still there??
fitness now you can say many people blamed me too and to you also.. I just proved myself infront of all and they just get losted from my path.. they used ""matherchud "" behenchud to me but I just stoped there mouth and kicked them and till continuing..
fitness everyone know what you are..
here In forum there are legends like Dr mohla, Dr kadwa, nawazkhan, Dr deshlok why they don't blame what who know and don't know
fitness I just warn you never ever try to disturb me by your advise in my thread..
yes I have Bad English..
yes there is nothing in my profile but
I.just advise and work in my way and never ever tried to down anyone
if you are a wellwisher of forum and whatever your so called payaftercure website or fb page or what then just give valuable advise here and post in some valuable forum where people want the solution..
just proved yourself by curing people here so that we will learn from you Because we don't know homeopathy at all as you..
just don't ever try to provoke me fitness
♥ sabkamalik1 on 2016-03-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi xxyy,
I want to know do you have any experience with fitness or you are the fitness from a new id?
fitness Is just making fool to everyone. you can check that thread and see how he do
I want to know do you have any experience with fitness or you are the fitness from a new id?
fitness Is just making fool to everyone. you can check that thread and see how he do
♡ sabkamalik1 9 years ago
trust me like you if slowly other people will understand that what fitness is then he will never make fool to anyone..
I don't know who you are but I.really thanks and much appreciate your step and support for this forum..
he started to provoke me and disturbed my mind now he will see how we innocent people can do anything for making this forum friendly..
my sharp eyes on him..
thanks again dear
I don't know who you are but I.really thanks and much appreciate your step and support for this forum..
he started to provoke me and disturbed my mind now he will see how we innocent people can do anything for making this forum friendly..
my sharp eyes on him..
thanks again dear
♡ sabkamalik1 9 years ago
xxxyyy & sabkamalik,
Please refrain from misleading others. Everyone who misses some treatment or guidance on this forum due to your trolling will be on you. I hope you can live with this on your conscience.
Both of you have nothing in your profile suggesting that you know something about homeopathy. xxxyyy was just created recently which suggests that it is likely sabkamalik posting under this duplicate identity.
Negative actions have a way of catching up in life, sooner or later. So be prepared to reap what you are sowing.
Please refrain from misleading others. Everyone who misses some treatment or guidance on this forum due to your trolling will be on you. I hope you can live with this on your conscience.
Both of you have nothing in your profile suggesting that you know something about homeopathy. xxxyyy was just created recently which suggests that it is likely sabkamalik posting under this duplicate identity.
Negative actions have a way of catching up in life, sooner or later. So be prepared to reap what you are sowing.
fitness 9 years ago
fitness 9 years ago
Mr fitness,
you are fraud and you do that stuff am not as you..
if you are bathing in gangajal every day and you are so called holy and pure why people calling fraud..
I have a question mr fitness why didn't Simon (moderator) removed that post till now where people calling you 1000 times fraud
man like you are a so called self taught homeopath I am also known to homeopthy And treated many case too..
yes it's right that you have 5000 post Because you were sticking nose in other thread.. and you have just post a like do exercise do whatever all those are holy sh..t and crap...
man let me tell your truth.. I guess you do as below
just you choose a thread then call to personal inbox
then you start to give a butter polish on pataient
once his or her mind in your capture you introduced to them your so called bull sh...t software that to classical way
after that you ask people if they want paid advise or free
if free pay after cure or else if paid then now pls
the system continue and you are just doing business from longdays
man if you are really wellwisher of this forum then show your self as Dr mohla, Dr deshlok, kadwa, nawazkhan and all
I am sabkamalik1 and who is xxyy I.don't know..
I never lie as you..
I warn you never ever try to divert my mind.. you did and you getting my words and all true
I don't care if any bull sh..t thing you are doing but you are fraud and you are notjing..
things is that from long days you were doing this.. no one dare to tell you.. now all will come one by one to expose you..
man you are engineer am too infact am a project manager.. if you coming to engineering also I will teach you how to be profesional..
first make your soul selfless, and kind after that people will respect you..
I remember once you posted somone created same id as you fitness and trying to provide bad advise to blame.. sure it's all your mind is wondering here and there
just repair your house before destroying other's house
life is a challenging so prove yourself..
you are fraud and you do that stuff am not as you..
if you are bathing in gangajal every day and you are so called holy and pure why people calling fraud..
I have a question mr fitness why didn't Simon (moderator) removed that post till now where people calling you 1000 times fraud
man like you are a so called self taught homeopath I am also known to homeopthy And treated many case too..
yes it's right that you have 5000 post Because you were sticking nose in other thread.. and you have just post a like do exercise do whatever all those are holy sh..t and crap...
man let me tell your truth.. I guess you do as below
just you choose a thread then call to personal inbox
then you start to give a butter polish on pataient
once his or her mind in your capture you introduced to them your so called bull sh...t software that to classical way
after that you ask people if they want paid advise or free
if free pay after cure or else if paid then now pls
the system continue and you are just doing business from longdays
man if you are really wellwisher of this forum then show your self as Dr mohla, Dr deshlok, kadwa, nawazkhan and all
I am sabkamalik1 and who is xxyy I.don't know..
I never lie as you..
I warn you never ever try to divert my mind.. you did and you getting my words and all true
I don't care if any bull sh..t thing you are doing but you are fraud and you are notjing..
things is that from long days you were doing this.. no one dare to tell you.. now all will come one by one to expose you..
man you are engineer am too infact am a project manager.. if you coming to engineering also I will teach you how to be profesional..
first make your soul selfless, and kind after that people will respect you..
I remember once you posted somone created same id as you fitness and trying to provide bad advise to blame.. sure it's all your mind is wondering here and there
just repair your house before destroying other's house
life is a challenging so prove yourself..
♡ sabkamalik1 9 years ago
Neither I have the time nor the patience to debate with imbeciles. You can continue misguiding people.
If you really know something about homeopathy, try helping others as per the principles of homeopathy, instead of mixing remedies & experimenting on innocent people.
Try to show here that you can follow "single, similar, minimum" principle of prescribing & then show some cure!
If you really know something about homeopathy, try helping others as per the principles of homeopathy, instead of mixing remedies & experimenting on innocent people.
Try to show here that you can follow "single, similar, minimum" principle of prescribing & then show some cure!
fitness 9 years ago
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