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Posts about Eczema

Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

ongoing eczema condition

Seeking assistance with ongoing eczema condition which varies in intensity.
I am a 59 year old female living in subtropical Australia. I work part-time mostly as an educator (qualifications Diploma in Teaching and Bachelor of Arts). I'm low income and live in self-managed community housing. Height approx. 1.5 metres/weight less than 50kgs.
I had a stable, healthy working class childhood in Sydney. I have always experienced hayfever symptoms, constipation and dry skin to varying degrees and tend to be the worrying type, always thinking and over analysing, concerned what others think of me and easily offended (long term nail biter and in recent times very prone to weeping).
I have had a fairly serious skin condition (mostly on lower legs) for approx. 4 years which has been diagnosed as both Atopic and Venous eczema (I also have varicose veins in my legs). The condition first appeared when I was undergoing very stressful conditions both at work and at home.
Both these situations changed about 3 years ago when my partner of 22 years left and then I lost my job position. Although shocked and strongly affected by these changes they also resulted in a great relief for me.
I do however seem to be in a cycle of wondering if my worries cause the eczema or the eczema irritates me to worry.
I lead a fairly healthy lifestyle with mostly good sleep patterns and predominantly organic wholefood diet and limited exercise.
I have no children; and am now post-menopausal. My menstrual cycle was always irregular, low flow and quite painful with associated moodiness; sometimes nausea/vomiting and often diarrhoea at onset of flow. Except for about ten years during my twenties when I was on the pill. I still have an active libido and seek a new partner.
My eczema occurs in varying degrees and areas on my legs (more so on the left leg); sometimes largish patches, sometime pin points; always reddish, inflamed, burning, itching, tickling. It is much worse when I touch it so I avoid scratching. I also get some swelling in my lower legs and ankles towards the end of a busy day spent mostly on my feet. Triggers are stress, heat and rough or made-made fibres.
I have tried a large variety of topical herbal/natural treatments some recommended by a local naturopath. I have also used Chinese herbs, vitamin/mineral supplements and cell salts. I have consulted with Chinese medical practitioner, acupuncturist, chiropractor, kinesiologist; along with doctors and skin specialists.
I no longer use soap and rely on sorbolene or at extreme times Vaseline and the 3 grades of cortisteroid creams I have had prescribe for my condition.
Thank you for your consideration of my query seeking help for a cure.
  Weena Girl on 2016-03-13
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