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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Too much stomach Acidity

dear mr joe
It is now 6pm in karachi pakistan
I have just today started your treatment for acidity and burning. Took schawabe nat phos 6 x , 3 tabs after small amount food. I also made wet dose as advised from schawabe Arnica 30 liquid. 3 drop in 500ml spring water and shake it vigorously and took a capful 45 minutes before the meal. now I will not take any food till tomorrow morning 6 am.
just before i sleep at 10pm should i again take a capful of Arnica wet dose?
I am 68 years age man. 5’-10", 70kg. no high BP or SUGAR, or chlorestrol.
one time in august 2010 i had bleeding from ulcer in deudonum that was treated in emergency and I have been off and on the PPI (omeprazloe based 20 to 40mg) plus other gastirc treatment drugs like itopride. to prevent vomitish feeling they gave me motilium. i stopped cold turkey since 1 month now and been through hell of time but have managed by using herbal medicines like 'hajmola'and other ayurvedic syrups. now started your regimen.hope to get cured.

[message edited by plodhi on Sat, 07 May 2016 06:33:52 UTC]
  plodhi on 2016-05-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please give you detailed case history/symptoms.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman 8 years ago

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