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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

genital herpes

Dear Doctors,
I have been diagnosed with herpes. it was located around my anus.
I did not know I have it but it should be there since few years, as I am in a stable relationship since 4 years.
I have been repeatedly getting strong itching episodes since several years, but I thought it was due to constipation.
Few months ago, during my pregnancy, the herpes come up very strong, it started itching but the it was very painful.
and since then, It itching is very strong and almost present every day, at any moment (before it was strong at night)
I am very worried about this, It bothers a lot, and since I know I have it it affected my sexual life, I am afraid of getting it later in my genitals or to pass it to my husband.
It is very annoying but also I feel it like a threatening condition.
Please, can you help me somehow? Thank you very much
  watermelon1 on 2016-06-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take a dose of medorrhinum CM
5,6 drops in 1/4 cup of water in the morning empty stomach do not eat or drink after for half an hour.
From next day start using combination of Arnica Ledum Arsenic all in 200 potency two times a day for a week and keep reporting.
You will need to continue this combination for 6 months. On and off not daily.
First week 2 times a day
2nd week 1 time a day
3 rd week 2 days of a week
Then once a week
Then every 10th day.
mnaari 8 years ago
Herpes is most easily spread when a sore is present, but, it is also often spread at other times too. Some people notice itching, tingling or other sensations before they see anything on their skin. These are called "Prodromal Symptoms" and they warn that virus may be present on the skin. Herpes is most likely to be spread from the time these first symptoms are noticed until the area is completely healed and the skin looks normal again. Sexual contact (oral, vaginal, or anal) is very risky during this time. A person has about a 75% chance of contracting herpes during intimate contact with someone actively shedding the virus.
handlehard 8 years ago
Sometimes those who know they are infected spread the virus between outbreaks, when no signs or symptoms are present. This is called "Asymptomatic Transmission." Many genital herpes infections are spread from persons who are asymptomatic "Shedders" of the virus. At the University of Washington, researchers found that even 10 years after being diagnosed with HSV-2, adults continue to shed virus nearly 14% of days.
handlehard 8 years ago

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