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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

urinary problem of my 3 yr old...

Hi Doc
my daughter has been avoiding to urinate saying its pricking or stinging.She would avoid it for long periods and literally cry if i took her to the loo.
I gave her cantharis 30c thrice daily for one week she seemed to improve a bit ie she would go to the loo on her own and stuff. when i asked her occasionally how it felt she would say it burns or it doesnt sometimes. I am not sure if the medicine worked.If not can u suggest a remedy.
My daughter is a shy,obedient and cheerful girl.she is thin and has vision problems too(nearsightedness and astigmatism).She had always been on homeopathy I guess her constitutional drug could be Calcarea Carb because i was told by my doc back in india to give a dose weekly but i am not sure.
Also she is on ayurvedic medicine for her eyes. One medicine includes a powder made of metals. I wonder if it is safe to use ayurveda in young children. although my ayurvedic doctor is an experienced old person from the old school i would apreciate any advice on this aspect too.
she is also on kali phos 6x for the past 2 yrs.Is it safe to use homeopathy for long periods of time. My homeopath has advised me to continue indefinitely.
  Manjula on 2004-07-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what exact name of ''aurvedic' medicine being used?when start use (date)?

have you actualy given calc-carb weekly as suggested?what potency?what date started use?

how often use kali-phos?

when diagnoisd for vision problems?date?

any white spots on/under fingernails?

when did the urination (burning) start?

what occur just prior to this?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
what symptoms child experience concerning astigmatism? please explain
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Hi doc,
I apologize for the delayed response due to a busy weekend.
My homeopath prescribed(long distance from India) calc carb because she was constipated due to milk.I gave the medicine one dose 200c a week regularly for upto a year..That was around march 2002. After which i was somewhat irregular ie i gave her once every month or so.Initially it seemed to improve her overall digestion but later she seemed ok without it too.

Kali carb 6x (one pill 3 times daily) was prescribed when my daughter was weakened by a stretch of bad health starting from ear infection and ending in discovery of her eye problem( Eye exam July 1 and detailed exam july 31 2002) around the time she was one-and- half years old, during which she had a CT scan, MRI and an eye exam under anesthesia within a short period of time.My homeopath also told me that kali phos would slow down any drastic deterioration of her eyes due to allergy to allopathy or any reason that was temperory(at that time we felt the eye problem was sudden).SHe said it would strenghten her optic nerve too.
Regarding her eye symptoms,My daughter did rub her eyes a lot before she had her glasses. Even now she rubs her eyes when she wakes up in the morning but not much after that.She had a squint when she tried to look at things far or rather she would look unfocussed.In photographs she did have a squint kind a look.When she was one and half month old in India she had a rash aroung her eyes which the doc said was fairly common and could heal itself but gave me drops(her ped) (genticin), which i put in her eyes.
again in India when she was 7 months old she had swelling around her eyes for which the doc(an eye doctor) gave me drops but cautioned me not to give for long .but i gave them for longer than prescribed. To this day i suspect her eye problem due to my overcautious use of medicine when it was not really necessary.

Coming to her urinary problems her burning started a month ago ( which incidentally after i had a UI myself).She does seem to have burning now but it appears not to be as bad as it was a couple of weeks ago( before i used cantharis 30c for one week tid).She had a couple of white spots at the tip of her nails no new ones though.Thank u for ur response.
Manjula 2 decades ago
I am sorri i made a mistake itwas not kali carb it was kali phos
Manjula 2 decades ago
any antibiotic use in health history?

what vaccinations have?when?

what date urination complaint start?

what occur just before this?..any thing at all...what was going on at that time?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
some questions above are repetitive---need clarifying details
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Hi doc,
My daugter was prescribed amoxillin twice for her ear infection in april-june 2002.After her first infection she had fluid in her ear so she was prescribed benadryl for allergy. I gave her benadryl one dose daily which made her hyper but the doc said its ok. Then she had another ear ifection this time i discontinued the antibiotic and switched to homeopathy. My homeopathy doc in India sent me a kit for all her infection and fluid too and after a month she seemed to be alright except she was dull, which we later discovered was due to her vision.
First ear infection she had also because i gave an overdose of pediasure that pushed her throat infection to the ear.( my ped here gave the expalination).
y daughter was wobbly and losing balance by which the doc (ped) could make out it was an ear infection.After her first course of antibiotic she was still not twirling like she always used to which led to the discovery that she had fluid in her ears and thus benadryl.
Her vaccinations are complete as prescribed upto 5 yrs.namely she has had 5 OPVs 1 IPV;1 BCG; 4 DPTs in India;4 HIBs;3 Hepatitis B;1 Varicella
and 2 pnemococcal conjugate.
She was given a DPT and a HB in april 2002 when she had her ear infection.( the doc said it was ok)
I dont remember the dat her urinary complaint started but ut was around the first week of June.But now i suspet the reason it being my recent trip (April 1 ) back to US after a month in INdia. I missed two flight leading to a 24 hr delay and i ran out of pull ups and extra clothes for my daughter and my daughter urinated at least 3 times when restrooms were out of reach and she was on the same pants ( which couldnt be taken off unfortunately)till she reached home. But at that time she seemed OK. also she habitually strains when she goes to potty. I hope these details help.
Also her ayurvedic tonic is called 'Maha Thriphala Gritam' a mixture of herbs in a base of cows ghee apart from a powder prepared by my ayurveda doc which includes gold ';ash'and is given with honey. My daughter's nearsightedness was reduced by 3 points in one eye and one point in the other but astigmatism remains the same more or less.I am not regular with the powder run out of it frequently but the ghee medicine i use it regularly. However i would appreciate any advice on further use. thank u doc hope the information helps.
Manjula 2 decades ago
".....First ear infection she had also because i gave an overdose of pediasure that pushed her throat infection to the ear......"""

concerning above statement---please explain details concerning sore throat and symptoms/ treatment (besides 'pediasure')---was this first sore throat --what occur prior to this ---another illness,vacciation,...etc
John Stanton 2 decades ago
My daughter's sore throat has these symptoms usually,difficulty swallowing,sneezing,sometimes runny nose,loss of appetite,congestion and great discomfort in the night.I have a standard remedy of rhus tox 200 pills 3 to 4 times daily for a week followed by nat sulph 200 thrice daily for a week if she has too much cough and phlegm.It always works.i am sorri i just didn't mention this before.

When she was one and half also i gave the same medicine but in 30 potency.During the time i gave pediasure i wanted to reduce her dependancy on homeopathy for various reasons and she was having a particularly bad cold and i missed many doses(homeopathy) so i thought i will stop and give her something that works fast.i cannot think of any other illnesses and she did not produce any symptoms for the vaccinations given atleast not that i could recognize.
She did vomit sometimes when she had her colds and almost daily when she had ear infection.
Manjula 2 decades ago
what are characteristics of stool?

what skin conditions child have in health history?when?how treated?

tonsils ever effected in any of the illnesses? glands?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
stools brownish yellow usually or the color of her food like spinach etc,rather hard in the beginning, tendency for constipation, when on ayurvedic greenish brown and less tendency to constipate. usually take 15 to 20 min on potty.She has had no skin condition apart from an occasional baby rash when she was tiny.tonsils were not affected any time.
Manjula 2 decades ago
STAPHISAGRIA is one of the best remedies to deal with "symptomology" of UI's, try giving her Staph 30 alternating with Pulsatilla 30 3 times a day each (1st Staph, then Puls, thet Staph again etc), while the acute problem persists. Then I would treat a bit "deeper" - she quite clearly has a lot of "toxicity" in her body - vaccinations, antibiotics, drugs etc. ...

Start of with Nux Vom 6x and Sulph 6x alternating once a day each (nux - evening, sulph - morning. Whilst giving these Rxs, give Morgan 200 1ce a week

Carry on with this for 2-3 weeks. This should "start of the "clensing" process. If there is an improvement carry on for a further 2 weeks and then stop.

In a months time give Thuja 10M - split dose (1 before bed, 1 in the morning)

This should finish off the "clensing process" and address her eye problems, hoever further, more constitutional, treatmetn will most definitely be required.
anamaughan 2 decades ago
is it 30c or 30 x
Manjula 2 decades ago
she has had no allopathy since more than 2 yrs could she still be 'toxic'. Is there any aggravation likely while i give her the homeo medicine?Thanks a lot for ur advice.
Manjula 2 decades ago
should i give staphys and puls on alternate days or the same day but alternating dose of each. similar doubt with nux vom and sulph.thank u.
Manjula 2 decades ago
I cant find morgan 200 anywhere online and there is practically no homeo store where i live. Can i bypass that remedy or is there any substitute?
to John Stanton
Have u anything else to suggest?
Manjula 2 decades ago
single dose hepar 30c --1 dose only

NO other remedies -medicines-or treatments

Child MUST avoid all acidic foods and drinks...i.e...coca-cola,pepsi and the like;vinegar;fruit and juices;coffee;tea;tomatoes;....etc

also start ues of priobiotic supplement (such as--"udo's choice 'super 5' ")

post response or lack of
John Stanton 2 decades ago
John Stanton 2 decades ago
PULS and STAPH - the same day, eg: Puls at 10 am and Staph at 11am, then Puls again at 12 and Staph at 13 etc

Nux and Sulph - the same day
(you will basicaly be giving her 2 remedies each day)
eg - In the morning,as she wakes up Sulphur 6x and before bed Nux V 6x etc
30 means 30C

Morgan is a bowel nosode, u can get it from Helios or other online homoeopathic pharmacies

It will deal with bowel toxicity and inactivity, help finish off the work that Sulphur and Nux would have started, ensure that in the future all rubbish is thrown out of the body throught the bowels, rather than accumulate in liver, blood, ear canal etc.

Aggravations - aggravation is not likely, however it might bring about an acute episode (eg cold, cough, sore throat or smth similar)that the body will try to use as an opportunity for clensing and re-establishing the balance. It is best to leave the acute episode to run in its own cource and let the body heal itself, however if symptoms are too severe some support remedies may be required to support the body.

With regards to not having allopathy: effects of vaccinations can still be seen in children many years afte the last vaccine has been administered. They also impair the bodys ability, especially livers ability, to function properly - and attempts of the body to rid itself of the junk that we put in there are all too often suppressed with allopathic drugs. Plus you should also take into account that we are already born with certain luggage - some organs are weakened, some are just overloaded ...

I can see some strong sighs of toxicity in your daughters case (eg constipation, UI, ear problems) Astigmatizm results from extremely weak and overloaded liver and lazy eye shows that for whatever reasons she does not feel comfortable within her body - but I see that as a much deeper issue that cannot be addressed, until her body is generally strengthened and prepared to deal with deeper issues - I think that the way things are now her body is simply not strong enough.
But, on the whole, children have much more energy than adults, and react to treatment much quicker with much more results.

Good luck!
anamaughan 2 decades ago

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