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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

cat with fungal sinusitis

13 year old Tonkinese cat, spayed female.
She has developed a chronic blocked nose, no discharge but with a foul odour, for last 15 months following dental issues. She needed 4 teeth removed in March 2015 but this did not resolve her stuffed nose, mouth breathing, catarrh and wheeziness after exercise.
I've gone down the conventional route, also tried Bioresonance (found she had fungal infection in her nose but did not resolve it) and radionics (ditto but only small improvements after 2 months). She is on 1mg prednisolone every 2-3 days. During this time I have also introduced a new kitten who has challenged her and I think this has made the problem slightly worse. Thanks for any advice!
  JenK39 on 2016-06-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
how has 'cat's activity level changed since teeth removed?
John Stanton 8 years ago

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