The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Zero sperm count
Hello,I have found zero sperm count in my reports.But there are productive sperm counts in my testes.When this process was going I came to know that I have one big and one very small kidneys.We are seeking to have baby.Doctors are saying that I have productive sperm counts in my testes but they become inactive when they are coming out.So does homeopathy help in my situation?
Sameer Mehta on 2016-06-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
AswagandhaQ and Damiana Q 10 drops of each in an ounce of water three times a day .
Feed back after 15 days.
Feed back after 15 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 8 years ago
First of all thank you so much for responding Sir..Two things I want to know that the prescribed medicines will not react to any part of my body..
Secondly where can I get these medicines?? Can I buy from the local Homeopathic Medicines store?
Thank You
Secondly where can I get these medicines?? Can I buy from the local Homeopathic Medicines store?
Thank You
Sameer Mehta 8 years ago
Hi anuj srivastava,
I am 36 years old man and I suffer from severe ED and lack of sperms.I think this may be due to low male hormone,but I have not done any hormone test for myself.Please prescribe me some remedy to cure my problem.
I am 36 years old man and I suffer from severe ED and lack of sperms.I think this may be due to low male hormone,but I have not done any hormone test for myself.Please prescribe me some remedy to cure my problem.
Sivaji1 8 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 8 years ago
I'll tell you on the progress after 15 days.
[message edited by Sivaji1 on Tue, 28 Jun 2016 11:39:13 UTC]
I'll tell you on the progress after 15 days.
[message edited by Sivaji1 on Tue, 28 Jun 2016 11:39:13 UTC]
Sivaji1 8 years ago
I took Ashwagandha 10 drops thrice daily and Silicea 6x 4 Tabs thrice daily,but till now I could not find any change.I also have numbness in my legs.Please advise me further.
I took Ashwagandha 10 drops thrice daily and Silicea 6x 4 Tabs thrice daily,but till now I could not find any change.I also have numbness in my legs.Please advise me further.
Sivaji1 8 years ago
It take 75 days for sperms to form after treatment.
In addition start Damiana Q,10 DROPS IN AN OUNCE OF WATER THREE TIMES A DAY.
Continue and give a feed back after 15 days.
In addition start Damiana Q,10 DROPS IN AN OUNCE OF WATER THREE TIMES A DAY.
Continue and give a feed back after 15 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Sivaji1 8 years ago
damiana q,10 drops in an ounce of water three times a day.
conium m 30, 5 tabs three times in addition hold the other 2 medicines.
feed back after 7 days
conium m 30, 5 tabs three times in addition hold the other 2 medicines.
feed back after 7 days
♡ anuj srivastava 8 years ago
One thing I have forgotten to ask you.I found conium mac 30 in drops form only.If so,how to take it in drops.
Sivaji1 8 years ago
Odo 8 years ago
Hello Dr.Anuj,
After all this conversation, I came to know that I have a problem which is called Varicosil..So please guide me to cure this problem.
After all this conversation, I came to know that I have a problem which is called Varicosil..So please guide me to cure this problem.
Sameer Mehta 8 years ago
This is to tell the general public about a great herbal doctor who saved me from AZOOSPERMIA , his name is Dr. Uduehi. I suffered zero sperm for many years, I’ve married twice and no woman could stay because of my inability to make them pregnant. I red a comment online about Uduehi’s medication 3 months ego and I decided to try my luck hence hospital could not help me, I contacted him and after using his medication for one month my sperm count was 8 thousand and just like that it keeps increasing and its above 16 million as I speak. You too can become fertile just like me if interested. Contact him through: (uduehiherbalcare at gmail dot com)
moore1 6 years ago
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