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Premature Ejaculation



Posts about Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation5regarding nightfall and premature ejaculation24Hypersensitivity of penis skin & premature ejaculation9Premature Ejaculation5Erection and premature ejaculation2Premature Ejaculation1Premature Ejaculation5Premature Ejaculation1Premature Ejaculation4Premature ejaculation10


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

premature ejaculation and ulcer pain remedy

Hello doctors,
I am 32 years from last few years i am facing ulcer issues sometime i find pain in the center of chest and by taking ispaghol/ risek/ by rubing sometime it resolves and i find relief but i know its not a solution.Somettime problem get worse when in empty tummy i drink fizzy corbonated drink.All of the sudden after i get married i found the premature ejaculation and with in 30 sec its all over which is devastating my bed life,its errection and size not bad but main issue is for timing and penis skin sensitivity in the lower cap portion.So advise some medicine for both issue as i suppose digestion and sex are interrelated.Also i get tired ,sad,loose hope and loose stamina something psychological ,power or strength issue as my height is 5'7" with a weight around 70Kg,thanks
[message edited by sultan1 on Fri, 08 Jul 2016 11:47:35 UTC]
  sultan1 on 2016-07-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Plz help doctor
sultan1 8 years ago
Plz doctors - Waiting for your advise (Dr.Rishimba,Dr.Nawaz,Dr.Sohrav,Dr.Kadwa,Dr.Mohla )
sultan1 8 years ago
Hello Doctors,
I am 32 years from last few years i am facing ulcer issues sometime i find pain in the center of chest and by taking ispaghol/ risek/ by rubing sometime it resolves and i find relief but i know its not a solution.Somettime problem get worse when in empty tummy i drink fizzy corbonated drink.Also i face problem of gastric in my stomach on regular basis and secondly from last few months i am facing issues in urination as i have to spend more minutes in washroom to completely drain out urine as it not comes in one go , now from last 1.5 years i am married now but now i am finding nother problem for the premature ejaculation and with in 30 sec its all over which is devastating my bed life,its errection and size not bad but main issue is for timing and penis skin sensitivity in the lower cap portion.So advise some medicine for both issue as i suppose digestion and sex are interrelated.Also i get tired ,sad,loose hope and loose stamina something psychological ,power or strength issue, my height is 5'7" with a weight around 70Kg,several people suggest me to go with a lycopedium clavatum and agnus castus but iys better to ask from a brillaint doctor like u,thanks
sultan1 8 years ago
Please help doctors?
sultan1 8 years ago

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