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Excessive watery vaginal discharge, pale brown

Reposting as i couldnt get help on my earlier thread


I have been experiencing excessive watery vaginal discharge stains pale brown on my clothes, more during nights than during the day, over the past couple of months. some days it is so high that i need to use a pantyliner so that it does wet my pants. Last year i had a drug induced abortion and this started probably couple of months after that. I didnt take it much seriously initially, but now it is very bothersome. I saw a local homeopathy doctor and he said that i have hormone imbalance problem and put me on sepia 3o c 2 times a day and ferr phos 200 once a day. I have been using them for a week and i see no change in the vaginal discharge. i feel my energy levels are better. Can anyone throw some light on this pls. it is really really concerning.

  hope1234 on 2016-07-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what new (never had before in health history) symptoms have occurred since sepia and ferrum dosing?

what other things u notice after abortion? every bit info helps guide..could be anything--emotionally-mentally...physically...etc
John Stanton 8 years ago
New symptoms after Sepia and Ferr phos - Better energy levels compared to earlier. no change in vaginal discharge, mood also better comparatively.

New symptoms after abortion -
Quite depressed, energy levels have gone down, my periods got heavier, esp with movement (if i lay down, the bleeding is very less, but as soon as i stand up, the flow is just like passing urine and very heavy. no clots), esp on day 2, reduced flow by day 4, watery vaginal discharge in pale brown color, sometimes very heavy during night times, decreased libido, had severe hair fall issue, now controlled

I had a Bartholin cyst not painful, as my pregnancy got confirmed (used silicea 30 c at that time, cyst size got reduced, but never gone away). I could still feel the cyst; however, it is not painful. The homeopathy doctor said that i need not worry as long as it does not turn into an abscess.

PS: I had to start working in night shift around the time i had abortion and continue to do so. I get around 4 hours of night sleep during week days and 6 to 10 hours of night sleep during weekends.
hope1234 8 years ago
I must also mention that i had lot of painful acne over my face which i never had earlier in my life after my abortion episode. also, I had put on lot of weight almost 5 to 7 kgs, esp around my abdomen

Will look forward to your comments. Thank you so much!
hope1234 8 years ago
quite depressed _how much exactly has sepia effected this?
John Stanton 8 years ago
I was depressed around the time I had my abortion, later i was able to get over it. I was quite okay and back to normal before starting Sepia. After starting Sepia, I noticed that my energy levels were better.
hope1234 8 years ago
what sensations envolved with it ?
John Stanton 8 years ago
The cyst is on the right labia, I had my first cyst appearing in 2014 mid (I dont remember the exact date). One day i saw that there is kind of swelling in my labia and googled about the issue, and learnt about the bartholin Cyst. I used serrapeptase for 4 days and it disappeared. the second one was in Jan 2015 which on 3rd day absessed and was in very bad pain, that i could not get up, walk or sit, and after 2 days it drained on it own and was relieved, was put on augmentin by my gyne at that time for a week. Again, I had one more appearing in 2 months, around March- Arpil, 2015 no pain and it was probably to the size of an amla or little smaller. I visited a hoemopathy doctor and used Silicea 30 c and also started taking Arnica 30 c wet dose as i read on this forum. the cyst never gave any pain, but it was not gone as well. The swelling is gone down, but still i can feel the cyst. I must also mention that i got pregnant around the same time in March 2015 and had drug induced abortion. As of now, no pain or discomfort. But makes me anxious whenever i think about it.

Thank you sir!
hope1234 8 years ago
is th e forum ok with u for me to go into asking about details and such concerning abortion ?

if not then email me --resume there.
John Stanton 8 years ago

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