The ABC Homeopathy Forum
kid - head injury
hi allOur 4 year young kid fell off shelf (1.5 ft height) on this Friday, only Saturday afternoon he was unable to control potty and did it.
he slept well on Friday and Saturday nights. He is active and playing as usual. No dullness identified at all.
Since Sunday evening he is on high fever, running nose.
We consulted doctor yesterday evening and shared all these details, and he prescribed some anti-viral because of seasonal change and rains.
He said we will have to keep him posted status after 72 hours .
Now at this time temperature is at 101'F, may be will decrease if we give him paracetamol.
Based on all these symptoms does any one suspect brain injury , small/high/medium/mild etc etc?
dpnctl on 2016-07-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
No brain injury with the symptoms you have narrated ,but since you feel he fell on the head give Nat Sulph 200, 5 pills ones a day for three days.
For the viral give Rhus Tox 30, 5 pills three times a day
For the viral give Rhus Tox 30, 5 pills three times a day
♡ anuj srivastava 8 years ago
thank you Anuj for the quick reply and concern, I would request other members also for a second consultation.
just now temperature is climbing high
just now temperature is climbing high
dpnctl 8 years ago
Surprisingly his arms are on low temperature but neck and body are gaining temperature, any one can think of someyhing from these symptoms??
dpnctl 8 years ago
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